Introduction To Egypt
What continent does Egypt lie in? Africa
Explain the following geographical terms:
Delta - Where a river divides in a low triangular area before entering a larger body of water.
Cataract – A large waterfall
Oasis – An isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or a similar water source
Inundation - The flood of land that is normally dry through the overflowing of a body of water, esp a river
Draw a map of Egypt and her neighbours
4. Locate and indicate the areas of Upper and Lower Egypt on your map
5. Find the following information:
*The average rainfall in Egypt
Average rainfall is about 200 mm (nearly 7.9 inches) at northern coasts (near Alexandria), decreasing as you go south to about 50-100 mm in the Nile Delta region. Around Cairo it ranges between 10-30 mm, varying from year to year. Rainfall decreases sharply farther south. Rainfall season is mainly in winter between the months of November and January, and to a lesser extent February and March.
*Name the different seasons in Egypt
There was "Inundation, from June to September, when the Nile flooded. then there was Emergence, October to February, when the waters receded, living silt for the farmers to grow their crops in. and then there was Harvest, from June to May.
*The variation in temperature
In the summer temperatures can be between 30-40 degrees in the day and 10- mid 20s at night and in the winter temperatures can vary between 13 – 27
Essay With specific reference to artifacts, tombs or inscriptions from Deir el-Medina, Comment on the role of the town and the inhabitants. Many years ago their once existed a village that housed the workers that helped construct extravagant tombs such as the Valley of the Kings, in Ancient Egypt. This village of roughly 500 people was known as Deir el-Medina or ‘the place of Truth’. This ancient civilization is positioned near Thebes and Luxor, on the West bank of the Nile. On this site a great…
Intermediate Period was a time of great disunity in Egypt. There was no centralised rule with the country being broken up into independently administered regions. Hyksos sources are archaeological rather than written and are incomplete. Excavations at Tell el- Dab’a in the north-eastern Delta by Manfred Bietak (archaeologist), have identified this site as an ancient Avaris, the capital of a foreign people known as the Hyksos. Who were the Hyksos? The name comes from the Greek version of the Egyptian hekau…