Definitions: Logic and Logical Conclusion Essay

Submitted By ianhall1226
Words: 407
Pages: 2

Terminology – Mid-term Spring 2013 English 3 T-Th 11am Name ____________________________ Due February 21, 2013

Define the following – definition must be textual (not literal) i.e. must be as much as possible, textbook definition, not dictionary:

1. Rhetoric / rhetorical – Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect.

2. Argument – Process of providing claims, giving reasons and supplying evidence to change the way someone thinks.

3. Audience- The people who are intended to read a piece of writing.

4. Ethos – Ethics; authority, credibility of author.

5. Pathos – appealing to emotion and intellect.

6. Logos – Logical conclusion; not looking for the truth.

7. Content – Literal definition of something, it is all the matieral in the document.

8. Context – How the information is meant to be understood.

9. Imply- Used when writing, when you strongly suggest the truth or existence of something expressed.

10. Infer – Used when reading what a writer writes, when you deduce or conclude from evidence and reading.

11. Summary_- A condensed version of a source with the idea of capturing the essence, main ideas, and the emphasis of the orginal document.

12. Paraphrase – The process of taking information from a source and putting it in your own style.

13. Major premise – The thesis or hypothesis of your writing, main idea of the writing.

14. Minor premise- The facts or content that helps support and prove the major premise.

15. Counter argument- An argument that differs from your argument by bringing in the opposing view.

16. Rebuttal- An argument made to respond to a particular objection.