Definition Essay
Mrs. Vestring
November, 13, 2014
Cheyenne Hall
Are you successful? What does that mean to you? Success and being successful can be defined and rated in many ways; traditionally and most commonly success has been defined by material elements such as, wealth, power and, popularity status. The Webster dictionary’s definition for success is: the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. However, success has changed and its meaning has evolved over time. The most recent definition and conation of success is a personal achievement and can be defined differently by every individual. For example, I consider myself to be successful yet, I am not incredibly wealthy nor am I a powerful person. My personal definition is not similar to this traditional definition; I believe success to be an achievement of something strongly desired.
I have achieved many personal desires and goals such as: attending college and having a strong supportive family. Within my family my sister and I, are the only to go to college. I believe that attending college and pursuing a degree is a very important and a highly gratifying task with many benefits. However, this is not an easy task, many in family dropped out of college or just financially couldn’t afford it. The thought of college was daunting, I had seen so many friends and family fail and yet, I wasn’t going to let that stop me from trying. My mother, father and friends, helped me and supported me in applying to college and helped me prepare for the heavy work load. With their help, support and preparation I was accepted to Mount St. Joseph University. I was then incredibly successful because I had achieved a very important desire.
Success originally dates back to the early fifteen hundreds but can be found earlier than that and is traced back to a Latin origin. However, in Latin the word didn’t mean wealth or power. Success meant outcome or happy result. Old versions and uses of success can be seen in many classic and famous writings. For example, these famous writings can even be found in the Bible. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good
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as the word “crop”. It is very interesting to learn of the many different definitions and uses of this word. The information in this paper will hopefully help people implement the many different forms of such a common word in their every day language. This word is a good choice to research because of its many different definitions and uses. “Crop” can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. Some of the definitions were very unexpected and surprising. It is always helpful to learn about…
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