Throughout my whole life I have been taught how to play the sport of soccer, my father, and my grandfather played it so it was only a matter of time until I started practicing the sport in a real team. At 10 years of age and after watching numerous games in different leagues around the world I had finally decided that I was going to become a soccer player. I knew it was not going to be easy but if you put all of your effort in accomplishing your goals, anything could be possible.
-“I’m ready, I’m ready!” I yelled at my dad.
-“Are you sure?” he responded.
-“Of course!” I answered not knowing why I had to be so sure if I wanted play such a simple sport.
After the first day of practicing with my dad in the backyard of our house I believed I was going to become the greatest player in the history of soccer. After my first training session we created a schedule that would help me become a better player then finally it would get me to try out in a real league team. Not knowing how hard each of the training sessions were going to get each time I anxiously went out to get my first pair of cleats.
-“Are you sure you still want to play soccer? Asked my dad in a nervous tone.
- “Of course I do dad, I want to become the best soccer player ever!” I answered anxiously.
Not knowing why my dad was so nervous about me becoming a soccer player at such young age had me wondering all the way back to the house, so I asked my mom.
-“Why is dad so nervous of me playing soccer?”
-“He doesn't want you to get hurt” she replied.
-“Why would I get hurt, it’s only a game right?” I asked nervously.
-“Of course it is only a game, but there are always injuries, not only in soccer but in every sport” she answered back, and then left the room.
Wondering of how someone could get hurt for just playing a game had me thinking for the next few days until I finally had the courage to go online and searched for sports injuries, I admit what I saw wasn't pleasant but the thought of playing the sport beat the feeling of a bone cracking and head smashing I saw on the internet.
It had been 3 weeks after I decided I wanted to play soccer when I asked my dad if I could try out for a real league team, he wasn't so sure if was ready enough to take such a big step but still helped me look for a local try out.
I remember I was nervous and excited because it was new experience for me and at the same time I was proving my self I was able to accomplish things on my own. When we arrived to the fields I saw kids of all ages running up and down the fields, that got me really nervous I admit, but I still wanted to try out no matter what.
After a few minutes of looking around I finally saw the team I was trying out for then I felt the chills going all over my body because I knew the time I had been waiting for the past month was finally here.
-“I’m really nervous,” I told my dad.
-“It’s only a game, remember?” he replied trying to calm me down a little bit.
When he said those words, the video clips I saw on the Internet about sports injuries came to my head, thinking I