Data Models Essay

Submitted By krenee33
Words: 335
Pages: 2

Real – world case unit 1 project by Catrina Strickland

Diana has to figure how to possibly merge the current systems of old or change them to a more updated version and still stay within her CEO’s budget. If the best choice is to update; it has to be taken into great consideration, so the best companies system will benefit all involved. Diana is in a tight spot determining which one of the two companies are best suited for the job and at the same time the decision made could affect her position in the company.
Diana could keep the CISs the same and see how to make it work after the merge. Although it is old; Diana could make small changes that could go either way for her. However she could take a risk with GE; they offered a better deal of the two and could be the price that she is looking for. In order to be successful in this situation Diana will have to make some hard choices and take a little bit of a risk. There is not much time to make a decision and yet it must benefit everyone in her company and her position.
The new system should definitely be up to HIPPA security standards, the system of a new CISs and CG should be saving the company at least $10 million in savings or more. The change should take as little time as possible and run as smoothly as possible. With UMC has already used GE systems; this would make the transition flow more smoothly, it would make more sense to go with what is already known. Although GE is unable to provide evidence of successful