Jandira Centeio
Prof. Lindeman
Gvt 261 october, 25 2012
Future of United States and China Relations
As large nations, both China and U.S. experience significant problems and threats such as terrorism, food and meeting energy. These typical challenges give hope for greater cooperation between the two countries. Yet , there is no territorial disputes between China and U.S. Relations between China and the United States have been generally stable with some periods of tension, most remarkably after the breakup of the Soviet Union. The question rises, what is likely to be the character of the relationship between the United States and China over the next two or three decades? Will it be marked by stability, peace or perhaps even war? There will be no peace between the these two countries, there will be some sort of cold war.
According to the article The Coming Conflict with America, China and United States will be adversaries in the next major global rivalry. Therefore, the competition between them will allow others countries to take side, and will involve all the “elements of international competition” such as military force, economic well being and all the international norms. Moreover, the future rivalry between China and the United states could fit into a “broader new global arrangement” that will increasingly challenge western and especially American global authority. As it states “ China’s close military cooperation with the former Soviet Union, particularly its purchase of advanced weapons in the almost unrestricted Russian arms bazaar (...) its looming dominance in in East Asia put it at the center of an informal network of state, many of which have goals and philosophies inimical to those of the United States,and many of which share Chinas sense of grievance at the long global domination of the West” (Richard & Ross pg 21). China is likely to be no friend with the United States, but a long term rival.
Some American strategic thinkers argue that Chinese policy pursues two long-term objectives: displacing the United States as the preeminent power in the western Pacific and consolidating Asia into an exclusionary bloc deferring to Chinese economic and foreign policy interests. In this case even though China’s absolute military capacities are not formally equal to those of the United States, Beijing possesses the ability to pose unacceptable risks in a conflict with Washington and is developing increasingly sophisticated means to negate traditional U.S. John J. Mearsheimer stated “ an increasingly powerful China is also likely to try to push the United States out of Asia, much the way the United States pushed the European great powers out of the Western Hemisphere” ( John pg 48). If China push United States out of Asia, and attempts to dominate Asia, United States will not tolerate it, because its clear that United States does not like any certain type of competition.
In addition, the uncontrollable problem of Taiwan is another condition for American conflict. The people of Taiwan do not want to be ruled by current Beijin regime. As China is growing militarily and the regime runs out of patience, the possibility of an invasion increase. If the invasion towards Twain happens, the United States will step down to prevent the militarily take over, or it will looses its claims to be the great-power guarantor stability in the Asia pacific region. “China’s stated goal is to occupy island and outcroppings so far to the South that Chinese force would almost be in sight of Singapore and Indonesia” ( Richard &Ross pg.30). If China thrive in extending its control over Taiwan, it would instantly gain control over the two southern get close to Japan, the Twain and Luzon Straits.
However, in the article China Rising, Zbigniew Brzezinski argues that relation between these two superpowers China and United States will be very peaceful, he said