Course: AP NSL
Headline: Rob Ford: Austin trip suggests a pre-campaign strategy by Mayor
Chapter: 9
Date: 10.10.13
Connection: A mayor visits Austin, Texas, to attend a concert held by local musicians. The purpose of this gathering is to unite people and convince them that he is a regular guy just like them. This is all part of Ford’s campaign strategy. His campaign strategy, or master game plan as our textbook says, is to portray himself as an average guy to gain media attention and public support that could lead to future funding.
Personal Response: In my opinion, this strategy was a bad idea. I believe appealing to the arts community would have more negative effects than positive ones. People will think Ford is focusing on unimportant areas. Therefore, they will believe, Ford could not possibly make policies that would do any good for the general public. It would have made better use of his time if Ford were to go to a nonprofit organization such as a soup kitchen instead.
Headline: The Strengths Janet Yellen Brings To Running The Fed
Connection: The article talks about the nomination of Janet Yellen to the chair of the Federal Reserve. Nomination is, according to the lecture, a party’s official endorsement of a candidate for office. The author, Bill Conerly, discusses the qualifications Yellen has that helped her to be nominated. These qualifications include her reputation as a smart and learned woman as well as a