The Digital Technology industry is constantly changing and to keep up with the industry one must be abreast of the events happening in the technology world. It is expected that each student will read and stay current on the events and/or happenings in the business world. It is expected that the current event be interesting and the presenter to have full knowledge of the subject. The presentation of this current event should not be shorter than 1 minute but not longer than 3 minutes. Expectations:
You must have your current event as soon as you walk into the classroom, no time will be given to presenters to “get organized”
Your current event MUST be current!
Presenters MUST fully explain the article to the class, as if you were the teacher.
Current events MUST NOT be duplicates.
Current events must come from articles that you have read and gained knowledge from. Along with the original (a copy is acceptable) article, printout, or picture, please provide a written summary in MLA format that includes:
Your name, date, class period, and Title of your article
Source of information
A short summary 1 paragraph (6-8 sentences) of the newsworthy information
Include important details – who, what, when, where, why, how
One paragraph (4-6 sentences) that contains your opinion of the situation This assignment is due the day before your presentation and must be turned in to me by end of school on the due date. Current Events will NOT be accepted late. You will receive a zero.
You will present one current event for each semester. You will sign up for the date and must be prepared on that date. If you are absent, be prepared the day you return. Current Event
Date Presented: Criteria
Points Earned
Includes copy of article
Article not included Summary
Summarizes article in 1 paragraph (6-8 sentences). Recalls several details about the topic. Does not copy directly from the article.
Article summary is vague (less than 6 sentences). Does not include enough detail or copies directly from the article.
Article summary is too vague (less than 4 sentences). Does not include enough detail or copies