Are You Ready?
By Ann Handley
I could start the foreword to this ebook with some language about the importance of interesting and valuable content as a cornerstone of your marketing. I could say something about how unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have heard... and so on and so forth and blah blah blah.
But see? Even I’m bored by that kind of introduction, and this ebook deserves something far more stylish and interesting as a kickoff.
And so do you. Because you are clearly discerning, having already embraced the idea that your content is something worth paying attention to, investing in, and truly caring about. And that, to me, is the root of all good content: grokking the notion that content marketing isn’t just a box to check on a marketing plan, or a one-and-done campaign, or a template to populate with boring text and stock
images. (“A blog? Yeah, we have that. Next!”)
Rather, your content marketing presents a rich opportunity. To do what? To connect with your customers and prospects in a meaningful way. To tell your story in a way that is draws your customers to you. To resonate more deeply. To create something new and interesting with a set of new tools and an array of new channels. To create content that can drive real business growth and—I believe—transform your business.
Does that sound all blue-sky and Kumbaya? It shouldn’t. Because that’s the real opportunity we all now have before us. Content is what will set your company apart—because it will define how you relate to your customers, and whether your customers choose you over everyone else.
These are exciting times for businesses. We have incredible opportunities with content. You have the power. You have the tools. The rest is up to you.
Ann Handley is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs ( and the coauthor of the bestselling Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars
(and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business.
Table of Contents
It’s time to face your fears ....................................................................................................... 2
The nature of the beast ........................................................................................................... 5
The content “sandwich”........................................................................................................... 7
What’s for dinner? ................................................................................................................... 11
Order up! Fresh, short-form content .................................................................................. 13
Cornerstone, long-form content ......................................................................................... 18
Bite-sized or meal-sized – versatile formats ..................................................................... 20
Finishing garnishes – because presentation matters ..................................................... 23
6 tips for smart and effective content curation .............................................................. 25
Still hungry? Other resources ............................................................................................... 27
About Curata ............................................................................................................................ 29
It’s time to face your fears.
As a content marketer, you know the beast. You have heard its heavy footfalls hard on your heels as you struggle to crank out another volley of blog posts. You’ve felt its hot breath on the back of your neck as you