Cultural Diffusion In The Nile River Valley

Submitted By osullivantara
Words: 508
Pages: 3

Olivia Nygard Cultural diffusion was promoted by factors of the river valleys that affected the development of nations and regions. One of the river valleys that developed the region and helped cultural diffusion was the Nile River Valley. Another one is the Indus River Valley. The development of the Nile River valley had many constructive things that happened to it. One positive feedback was the irrigation systems. The irrigation systems controlled flooding and help with farming by providing rich nutrients to the soil. Next, the plow had an impact on the Nile River Valley. One way the plow had an impact on the Nile River Valley is that it made it easier on land. The plow made land more durable. The next way it had an impact was that it provided food surplus. Third, the calendar had a lot to do with the development of the Nile River Valley. The calendar made it easier to keep track of harvest time and flooding time. Written Language was part of the development of the Nile River valley. Written language was hieroglyphics, this helped with communication and record keeping. Finally Pyramids were also part of the development of the Nile River Valley. Pyramids were huge structures that showed authority. The Nile River Valley helped cultural diffusion in many ways. First, the people practiced cultural diffusion. They did this by having a written language which helps with communication with others, ideas, and traditions. The Nile River Valley also helped cultural diffusion by Papyrus. Papyrus made it easier to jeep a record of things and also to teach people how to make paper so everyone has paper to write on. Also medicine helped cultural diffusion. Medicine helped people to battle sickness. Lastly, Math and Geometry let people have the ability to create a numerical system and create new math. It also helped to make architect such as pyramids. The development of the Indus River Valley included of many good things. One was that they