CS 121 – Pathways to Academic Success
Unit 4 Library Assignment - Worksheet
Learning Objectives
You will:
Be able to find and log in to the KU Online Library
Be knowledgeable about navigating the Library site
Be able to conduct a search in the KU Online Library and limit results
Know how to select a specific database within the Library
Be familiar with ways to contact a KU Librarian for assistance
Save and submit this Microsoft Word 2010 document as directed by your instructor. Type all answers directly into this worksheet. Note: Questions to be answered are in purple.
Carefully read and follow instructions in order to answer the questions correctly.
Your name: ___________________________________________
KU Online Library Basics
There are two ways to access the KU Online Library.
If you are currently logged in to KU Campus, look for and click on the Library link under the My Studies tab.
Look at the upper right corner of the screen and confirm that you are logged in to the Library (You should see the words You are logged in.).
Alternatively, for times when you are not logged in to KU Campus, you can open your Internet browser and go to the KU Online Library by typing http://library.kaplan.edu into the address line. Take a moment to bookmark, make a favorite, or create a shortcut to this page – you will want to return often! Look at the upper right corner of the screen. It will indicate whether or not you are logged in to the Library. If it says You are not logged in, click on Login and follow directions to Log In with KU Campus
Now that you are logged in to the Library, take a few minutes to explore the tabs near the top of the screen.
Hover your cursor over the About tab to reveal a drop-down menu. Take a few minutes to explore the options.
Notice that there are links to Campus Libraries. Is there one near you? Yes ___x__ No _____
Name one member of the Online Library team: Matt Stevons
Hover your cursor over the Guides tab. Click on Subject Guides and then click on the guide that most closely matches your program of study. Notice that there are a variety of resources and web links that may be useful to you in your studies.
Move your cursor over to the F.A.Q. tab and click on it. Notice that you can type a question into the search box. If your question is one that has been asked before, the answer may be in the answer bank. Keep this in mind for future need! Look further down the screen under Popular Topics – what is the MOST popular topic of questions asked? Searching databases
Searching the Online Library
Navigate back to the Online Library homepage by clicking on the KU logo at the top of the screen.
Notice the large search box on the front page - within the light blue area.
There are three tabs indicating different functions. Name them
A. Search the online library
B. Publication Finder
C. Databases list
Make sure that the first tab (A, the default) is selected. This selection allows you to search the KU Online Library (including thousands of books; reports; articles from magazines, journals and newspapers; and more). Type in the name of your program of study and click Search. This is a very broad search, and you are likely to get many results. See the example, below
How many results did you retrieve? 2,139,073
Look over on the left side of the screen under Refine Results. This is one place you can tweak your search to focus it on exactly what you need. For instance, under Limit To, check the box next to Peer Reviewed (this refers to articles from journals that require their content to be reviewed by subject experts before it is published). Now only citations to articles published in peer reviewed journals will be displayed. How many results do you have now? 346,653
Further down on the left, you will see a Publication Date slider. Change the beginning date to 2010. Now only those results published during or after 2010 will be displayed. How many results to you have now?