Critiquing Philosophical Approaches to Ethical Decision Making
Sonda Miller
January 12, 2014
Donna Adams
Critiquing Philosophical Approaches to Ethical Decision Making
As a student we are required to evaluate the philosophical approaches for each scenario from Appendix B. Evaluating whether or not the reasoning for the course of action listed makes sense. While working on the evaluation of the philosophical approaches we will discuss if the course of action is the most ethical, the best reasons for making the choices, and the reasons for believing this alternative is ethical. The following is a discussion of three different scenarios and the different approaches in decision making for these cases. I will talk about what makes each scenario ethical or non-ethical. Each case will be approached and looked at with respect to the three philosophical approaches of decision making for these scenarios. The three philosophical methods that will be used in this analytical paper are consequentialism, deontology, and virtual ethics.
Consequentialism is the intent to maximize the usefulness of a decision. For this the relevance of this act depends on its consequences. Consequentialism was developed by a woman named G.E.M Anscombe in an essay “Modern Moral Philosophy” in 1958. This method has become most common throughout the English Language moral theory. (Brooks, L.J.2007). For this approach it is essential to have good ethical decisions and perception of it. With this it is important for students to analyze a decision on how the harmful and/or the benefits.
Deontology is different because it focuses on the obligation or duty in motivating the decision or the actions of the consequences. This depends on the respect, rights, and fairness. This approach brings up issues related to duty, rights, moral standards, and the principles. It was made clear by Immanuel Kant as stated by Brooks, L.J (2007).
Virtue ethics approach focus on the integrity of the individuals and the moral of the community. In order to identify the issues of the ethical actions this act centers instead of agent centered. Virtual ethics describes the character of moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior rather than rules. (Brooks, L.J. 2007). There is a debate over whether the community focuses on interest. In other words individuals are excellence being intellectual, morals, and achievements.
Scenario 1
Consequentialism choice is that the mayor would choose in favor of economic prosperity. Looking at the aspect letting new development would benefit the town and everyone in it. This choice would be unethical. It would be the wrong choice due to the elderly would not have a place to go and also the fact that it would affect employees and would put them out of a job.
Deontology choice is that the mayor should decide not to let the development to be built and to be in favor of the elderly. Demolishing the centers would be wrong and very unethical. It would also put employees out of jobs and cause lots of problems for the elderly and employees.
Virtue ethics choice should be keeping the nursing home and recreation center would be the mayor’s best choice. As closing they would displace the users of these facilities.
Scenario 2
Consequentialism demands that Catalina tell her co-workers that she made her sales goals. Releasing this information benefits both her and her co-workers. However, it is unethical to say she has made her goals, as it is untrue. Since lying is always wrong it would be unethical for her to make this choice.
As, for deontology, Catalina should tell the truth about her sales, as reporting false information is always unethical, regardless of the net effect on the bonuses for her and her co-workers. The bonus must be earned honestly. Reporting actual sales is Catalina's ethical choice.
Virtue ethics demands that Catalina report true sales. She must tell the truth,