Creative Genius: The World's Greatest Minds Essay

Submitted By thescoripian07
Words: 1289
Pages: 6


Mathematicians and scientists in history have changed the world in a many ways. They make sense of the puzzles that circled in their brain, with just the large innovation they have.
Mathematicians tackle issues that they experience in their lives, while scientists utilize the data to discover things that identify with them and others in regular life. Archimedes was both a mathematician and a scientist, and he settled the greatest riddles that the populace of today experience, every day. It was through his great achievements in mathematics and science that makes Archimedes one of the most influential figures in history.
He was born around 287 B.C in Syracuse on the island of Sicily, Greece. His father’s name was Phidias who was an astronomer.Going by the name, Plutarch, he may have been identified as related with King of Syracuse, Hieron and his child Gelon. It is said that he began his studies in the school that was built up by the Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria,
Egypt. After he finished pursuing his studies, he went back to Syracuse to live in his local city.
Archimedes had numerous accomplishments in math, particularly in geometry. He utilized distinctive methods to discover responses to things like the estimation of pi. For that, he drew polygons around circles, to discover the region or edge of the circle. Archimedes
“discovered that he could calculate the value of pi by calculating the perimeter of the polygons inside and outside of the circle.”(Gow). Also, not only for geometry, but for other types of mathematics, he substituted letters of the alphabet, to symbolize missing values in equations.
Another geometric advancement he made was the estimations of distinctive shapes. He understood that since shapes were diverse in size and configuration, they would clearly have distinctive lengths. Furthermore, a critical revelation he made was the circle. He discovered many things about it, like “his discovery that a sphere contained inside of a cylinder will always


be two­thirds of that cylinder”(Sleeswyk). After all the discoveries he achieved, he changed geometry forever.
A standout amongst the most mainstream stories told about Archimedes was the point at which he found proportions. He was “a friend and advisor of King Hieron II”(Sleeswyk). King
Hieron II, one day, needed Archimedes to see whether there was any silver in his gold crown that he got, in light of the fact that he would not like to be cheated by paying for an entire gold crown, when he more likely than not got a fractional gold crown. Archimedes had never settled something to that effect,before. He was pondering about that, until “while he was getting into his bathtub full of water, he noticed that the amount of water overflowing was unproportional to the amount that his body was being immersed”(The McGraw­hill Encyclopedia). Archimedes then understood that he could compare the measure of water substituted by the crown, which then was dislodged by a compatible weight of gold. Furthermore, in the end, he solved this secret, with his critical thinking.
Like most scientists, Archimedes made numerous revelations for cosmology. As of now, numerous individuals, including him were contending about where the Earth was situated. There was the Geocentric hypothesis, which said that Earth was the focal point of the nearby planetary group. Furthermore, there was Heliocentric hypothesis, which expressed the Sun was the focal point of the Solar System. Despite the fact that this was one of the main few missteps he made, he said “that the fixed stars and the sun do not move, but the Earth revolves about the Sun which lies in the middle of the orbit”(Gow).On the other hand, Archimedes did make many accomplishments, here, such as evaluating things about the universe. With his own particular inventions, he evaluated the measure of the universe. Additionally, he told King Hieron II “Give


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