Cheeseburgers, French fries, Buffalo wings and chicken nuggets, these are just some of the few foods that I craved for but rarely had when I was growing up. During my childhood the only time I came across these foods was when I came to America during my school breaks. I stayed in Jamaica for most of my childhood, where most of my meals where traditional Jamaican dishes. My dinners always came from the plants that my grandfather grew on his farm and the animals he raised like cows, goats, pigs, chickens and occasionally the fish that was bought at the local market from a specific vendor. This made all the meals I would easy to predict. The week always started with either stew chicken or stew beef both served with rice and peas, a piece of breadfruit or yam, some dumplings, a garden salad an my grandmother’s homemade carrot juice. Monday’s dinner would be leftovers from Sunday dinner with remaining amount of carrot juice (there was always carrot juice leftover). On Tuesday we have fish either steamed with some white rice and corn or potatoes and cabbage. Wednesday’s dinner was the most difficult to predicate because it would setup what would be for dinner on Thursday. Most of time we would have curry chicken and white rice with these little potatoes, which would mean on Thursday we would have the leftover curry chicken with mac & cheese, which would be the only taste of American cuisine. If we didn’t have curry chicken we have the country’s national dish ackee and saltfish. I truly believe this was my grandparents’ favorite dish because there would always be enough leftover Thursday and Friday morning with their tea. When Friday finally arrived I would be happy for two reasons; school was done by noon and because it was Friday we would have K.F.C or jerk pork and festival (some kind of fried dumpling with sugar, one the best things I have ever eaten) for dinner. This was because according to my grandmother no one cooks on Friday. This was a bittersweet moment because it also meant that the day after would be Saturday, and that meant would have soup for dinner which was mostly chicken foot which I found completely revolting. I’m not saying that the traditional dishes that had in Jamaica were not appetizing but the commercials from the American restaurants that invade our TV made it difficult to appreciate them. After eleven years in Jamaica I came back to America to finish high school. The first few months that I was here I started crave the burgers and fries and milkshakes even more. Wendy’s, Burger King, and McDonalds were so convenient for me to feed my hunger. My mother said I was eating even when I wasn’t hungry; I just ate because it
Burridge Unbound Chapter 16 Plot progression: Bill attends a fancy lunch, with excessive amounts of food, drink and smiling… This shows the ___________ that still resides in Santa Irene despite all that Suli has “apparently” done (170). “There are photos and toasts and phony smiles, and through it all the veneer of my courtesy becomes more brittle” (170-71). Bill storms out of the Truth Commission, due to the lack of ________________________ ___________ (171). “I want to see your president today…
detrimental effect on one’s health. Today in North America there has been a dramatic increase in unhealthy weight in children, little do we know that it is more so the government, parents and schools that are at fault. We need to teach children about food and making healthy choices, they are the source we need to get across to in order to fight obesity for the future generations and for the now. If someone were to discover the cure for cancer, AIDs, Diabetes or any other incurable illness, people…
caused these last 2 outbreaks. According to the article, about 14 cruise ships have had outbreaks pointing towards norovirus in the last five years. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention claim that norovirus grows in closed areas but makes its way to food and beverages through contamination. Norovirus goes away fairly quickly in most cases, and is generally not too severe, but it does cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal craps and 792 people with in one month is a lot of people affected…
“Don’t Blame the Eater” In David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame the Eater” he focuses on the fast food industry and their role in the increasing health and obesity issues of our nation’s children, as well as these issues potentially becoming a serious problem that we will all have to deal with if we collectively don’t do something about it now. When it comes to the topic of fast food, most of us can agree that it is not the best source of nutrition. It is unhealthy and can be the cause of…
George C. Scott in Patton (General Patton giving a speech to his men)URL link: 3:40- 5-00 Now, some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll chicken-out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what…
Lewis and gets more fights, since Jim was getting more fights he saved up enough money to pay back his relief money. Braddock’s final opponent is a jerk, says he will kill Jim in the ring so Mae doesn’t want him to fight again she is very nervous about the fight. Max Bear was Jims next opponent, the arena was so quite you could hear a mouse on his walk to the ring. The two of them go all twelve rounds, it was a very vivacious fight.…
a lot of people have accepted gambling as part of a “good time” while on vacation to places like Las Vegas and Atlantic City. If this was the case and everyone is having a good time then why isn’t everyone so happy about gambling? Part of the reason why some people has a hard time about accepting gambling is the fact that it can cause an addiction which leads to losing all that you have and all that you have built. This impulse is called gambling addiction. Gambling addiction is a mental-health problem…
in court today to try again." "Wearing a T-Shirt with "Let's talk about God" on it always guarantees me a seat to myself on the train." Everyone seems to reckon today was 9/11. I personally think it was more of a 7 out of 10. GCSEs: Who needs them? I've been lying on my CV for years and no fucker has checked them. B in maths? I can't even count to B. Due to the economic crisis and ever increasing price of food, the 5 second rule has now been increased to 10. My Gran's at that…
website allows you to document a generalized meal plan, I wish it were more exact and in-depth – such as having a chicken salad with nothing but lettuce, two cherry tomatoes, and some sliced carrots with no dressing (it just so happens to be a favorite food of mine ever since I have started to want to lose weight). Weight loss ultimately comes down to expending more calories in a day than you take in. The website ( does not have the choice to be so precise in your meals. My personal…
4. It has also sparked a great interest in media to get kids healthier snacks, foods and physical activity. CONCLUSION Problem Summary: So it’s very obvious that breakfast links us all to a central health system Solution Summary: However, it’s also very obvious that many people don’t understand the effects of not eating breakfast can do to our bodies, souls and minds. Memorable Closing: So let’s think about it. Eat in the morning and be happy or starve or we can eat coffee and sugary snacks…