Document Identifier Codes
A01/A0A: Requisition Explanation: The user initiates this transaction when a parts requirement is approved when the ‘Create Order’ button is depressed by an approver.
A21: Redistribution Explanation: The user initiates this transaction by utilizing the Material Distribution form or the SECREP exchange activity option on the parts requirement form.
A5A: Material Release/Issue Explanation: The user initiates this transaction by completing the shipping process either manually or automated utilizing the 01A picking rule.
A5J: Disposal Release Order Explanation: The user initiates this transaction by completing the shipping process either manually or automated utilizing the 01F picking rule.
AB1: Direct Delivery Notice Explanation: The source of supply initiates this document identifier to indicate the vendor/contractor is shipping directly to the requistioner.
AC1: Requisition Cancellation Request Explanation: The user initiates this transaction when a requisition is no longer required by the customer. This transaction can only be applied to valid transactions which have not been previously receipted for, are lost, or in a shipping status. This transaction is directly tied to the ‘Cancel’ button on the Document Management form.
AE1: Supply Status Explanation: The user initiates this transaction (acting as a supplier when shipping) and from the source of supply to communicate supply status on a requisition. Users can also manually input supply status transactions as may be required from time-to-time on a case by case basis.
AE9: Supply Status Explanation: The source of supply initiates this transaction. Sent to activities in cc 30-35, 45-50, and 54 to advise of rejection of a MILSTRIP (AC1) or (AK1) requisition transaction as reflected by the supply status code (cc 65- 66)
AF1: Follow-up (Previous Status) Explanation: Initiated by the user when the ESD is aged past the current date; used when the requisition had status from the SOS, usually BB or other ‘good’ status. Directly tied to the ‘Status’ button on the Document Management form.
AFC: Follow-up (Better ESD) Explanation: Initiated by the user when the ESD is beyond the RDD or the customer’s requirement for priority designators 01-04; used when the requisition had status from the SoS, usually BB or other ‘good’ status. Directly tied to the ‘Status’ button on the Document Management form.
AK1: Follow-up to Requisition Cancellation Request Explanation: The user initiates this transaction when a requisition is no longer required and an AC1 has already been submitted at the customer’s request. This transaction can only be applied to valid transactions which have not been previously receipted for, are lost, or in a shipping status. This transaction is directly tied to the ‘Trailer’ button on the Document Management form.
AM1: Requisition Modifier Explanation: The user initiates this transaction to modify a transaction to meet the customer’s requirements. Submitted on requisitions in a valid status; if submitted on a requisition already in a shipping status the source of supply will respond with an AE9 (unable to comply). Directly tied to the ‘Modify’ button on the Document Management form.
AN1: Source Material Obligation Validation Request Explanation: The source of supply initiates this transaction to ascertain its’ validity. MOV is by quarterly cycle.
AP1: MOV Response Explanation: User response to an AN1. Found under the “Trailer” button on the Document Management form.
AS1: Shipment Status Explanation: If user initiated, it is a by-product of the shipping process either automated or manual. AS1 shipping status posts when a material release order fulfills a requisition and the requisition is en route through the transportation network.
AT1: Follow-up (When No Status is Received) Explanation: Initiated by the user when the source of supply has not provided a follow on AE1 after an initial A01, A0A or AE1/BM.