Consulting Proposal to improve NRL’s Recruitment of Graduate Engineers
Section 1: Introduction
This proposal is a summary of the points we agreed upon at a meeting with Jenny on 13th March 2015 regarding problem with recruitment of graduate engineers in Natural Resource Limited (NRL). Thanks you for the opportunity to discuss the challenges facing the recruitment of graduate engineers. I recognize that NRL has experienced severe challenges meeting its engineering graduate intake targets. This causes a shortage of suitable internal candidates for more experienced engineers to meet your business needs. I also recognize the fiercely competitive nature of the market for engineering graduates. I feel confident that the methods outlined in my proposal will disclose the root of the issues you had faced and that together with how could I assist you to improve your graduate recruitment program.
Section 2: Objectives and Expected Benefits
NRL knows that it has got a problem recruiting engineering graduates in but it does not know why. In addition, NRL is keen on to improve its Australian graduate recruitment program but does not know how. This proposal will help NRL to find what is causing its current issues and how it can fix them.
Section 3: Background
NRL has been a very successful world leading mining and resource company that has been adding 30 engineering graduates per year in Australia (University of Melnourne, 2015). Next, NRL will increase target intake to 45 engineering graduates next year because two more thermal coal mines are schedule to open soon (University of Melnourne, 2015). However, engineering managers at NRL are frustrate with meeting its engineering graduate intake targets. On average, only one fifth employment offers made to engineering graduates were accepted (University of Melnourne, 2015). High graduate vacancies are increasing the workloads of more experienced engineers whom cannot be easily filled with external hires (University of Melnourne, 2015). On the other hand, the market for engineering graduates is tight. NRL is facing a lot of competition from its competitors for engineering graduates (University of Melnourne, 2015). Jenny, NRL’s National Recruitment Manager, said that NRL can not afford keep using the same graduate recruitment