Account for the initial consolidation of Nazi power in 1933 - 1934
Due to the failure of the Weimar Republic and general public dissatisfaction arising from poor economic conditions exacerbated by the Treaty of Versailles, coupled with the 1929 Wall Street Crash, German citizens were understandably desperate for change. Until this point in time the Nazi party, and Hitler, had been essentially unpopular. However, the economic situation ensured Hitler’s increasing popularity as the people looked toward more extreme but non-communist ideals. The initial consolidation of Nazi power in 1933 arose from key events such as the support of the Nationalist Party with the Nazis to form a coalition government, implementation of the Enabling This law gave Hitler supreme power without consulting the Reichstag and without the approval of President Hindenburg. The Weimar constitution was abolished. After March 1933, the Reichstag only met to hear speeches by Hitler and all other political parties had been removed from power. In the next elections, the Nazi’s were the only party permitted to stand, thus, Germany was no longer a democracy and had become a dictatorship. By July 1933, Hitler introduced “The Law against the formation of new parties” and thus the Nazi party was the only party allowed to exist in Germany. Severe punishment applied to anyone who attempted to set up another party. Trade Unions were abolished and their offices destroyed. By 16 January 1934 a new Labour Charter was announced which curbed the influence of workers and by 1935 this council represented the entire German workforce which comprised 20 million workers. Leaders of alternate political parties and unions were arrested and sent to Labour camps. Each region had, until this point in time, been governed by its own state government. On 31 March 1933 the local governments, such as Bavaria and Prussia, were dissolved. All positions in local Government were reappointed to be Nazi supporters All judges and civil servants, such as the police force, were solely Nazi supporters and non-supporters were removed form office. Thus, Hitler had complete control of Germany and its political,
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