Complications Short Response Essay

Submitted By ellyhalladay
Words: 670
Pages: 3

Elly Halladay
Ms. Kirby
AP Lang & Comp
18 August 2014
Complications Short Response In his novel Complications A Surgeon’s Note on an Imperfect Science, author Atul Gawande eloquently deepens the reader’s understanding of the intricacies of surgery and medicine as a whole. He details the theme of how doctors are ordinary people, but possess a talent of the extraordinary that faces difficulties due to fallible individuals, uncertain information, and the unknown. Gawande’s discussion moves and expressively convinces the reader of his primary thesis of appreciating doctors for both their faults and successes, thus altering his or hers view of science and medicine. Gawande’s informative tone and powerful, authentic examples combine with his afterthought and commentary of the situation merge to create a moving argument. His two most compelling pieces of evidence are found in his story about a gallbladder surgery and his explanation in which he uses the metaphor of a hurricane to illustrate the unpredictability of patients. The collaboration of ideas within the novel grips the reader and conveys an authentic and realistic view of the complications of the medical world. His convincing element of the truth of the behind the scenes view of surgery and the complications that arise add a real life element to his overall argument.

One of Gawande’s most persuasive piece of his novel occurs when he takes the reader on a journey into the real life struggles of a gallbladder operation to better express the theme of the possibility of falliability and the amazing talent doctors possess. After quickly averting an almost fatal mistake during surgery, Gawande describes, “No matter what measures are taken, doctors will sometimes falter, and it isn’t reasonable to ask that we achieve perfection. What is reasonable is to ask that we never cease aiming for it” (74). Gawande adopts an optimistic but intuitive tone to portray the message that although mistakes may be costly, perfection is ultimately unattainable, one must never stop trying. Doctors, like every other human being, will make mistakes from time to time, however in their case the consequences can be very grave. The gallbladder operation illustrates how easily minor errors can occur, but his response also shows how diligence and attention to detail can be vital. By preventing the almost disaster, Gawande proves that effort does matter and demonstrates how one can overcome the challenges of the uncertain science. Furthermore, his real life experience of surgery adds to the authenticity of his argument and provides insight into the mind of a doctor. Gawande utilizes his expertise in the field to persuade readers to accept his central thesis and deepens their understanding of the uncertain science. His use of literary devices, such as a metaphor,