Compering Theories of Ethics
Nedzad Buljugic-Ned
University of Phoenix
Compering Theories of Ethics
In my writing I will address similarity and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism and deontological ethics. Additionally, I will apply my personal experience as they relate to those three theories.
Virtue theory basically is centered on the idea that each individual is responsible for all ethical choices. According to our book material, this theory is “nonconsequential” theory found in Athens, Greece by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and emphasizes moral character. (Manias, Monroe, Till, 2013). Moreover, “Life of virtue and excellence leads to personal fulfilment.”(Grcic, 2013). Actually, virtue ethics may be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues- moral character. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2003). According the book material,” Utilitarianism is the view that what we ought to do morally is produce the greatest possible utility for the greatest possible number of people.” Additionally, for better understanding, the word “utility” is used for “good” or “benefit”. (Manias, Monroe, Till, 2013). This suggests that if an action benefits more people than it harms, the action is right. In fact that ethical decision should not be made in one’s own self-interest; rather in the interest of greater environment. Accordingly, utilitarian’s principles are included in major world religions such as Buddhism and Christianity.
Deontology, in contrast to virtue theory is approach which emphasizes duties or rules. Our book material states that deontology is “nonconsequential” ethical theory and deontological approach is to “Deon”, the Greek word for “duty”. That sums up that deontology’s central focus is about fulfilling one’s moral duties or obligation. (Manias, Monroe, Till, 2013).Simply, the deontological approach to ethics believes that people have a duty to practice well-defined set of rules giving codes of law