A Power of Attorney is a written document authorizing someone you name (your "agent" or "attorney-in-fact") to make decisions for you. These decisions can include financial and business decisions. They may include health and medical care decisions. A Power of Attorney can also contain instructions or guidelines you want your agent to follow.
You will find two different forms of Power of Attorney in this section:
Statutory Form Power of Attorney; and
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Medical Treatment.
The Statutory Power of Attorney form was created by the Montana legislature. It will allow you to decide the powers you want to delegate to another person. You will be able to decide when the authorization to act on your behalf will take effect.
You will also find a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Medical Treatment form. If you should ever lose your capacity to make and/or communicate decisions because of a temporary or permanent illness or injury, the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care allows you to retain some control over important health care decisions by designating a person to make health care decisions for you.
Without a Power of Attorney, many health care providers and institutions will make critical decisions for you, not necessarily based on what you would want. In some situations, a court appointed guardian may become necessary unless you have a health care power of attorney, especially where the health care decision requires that money be spent for your care.
A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is different from a Living Will. A Living Will is a written statement of your wishes regarding the use of medical treatments in end-of-life situations. The statement is to be followed if you are unable to provide instructions at the time the medical decision needs to be made. Living wills are recognized in Montana. However, they are limited to decisions about "life-sustaining procedures” in the event of "terminal illness" and when your life expectancy is a "short period of time.”
Chapter I -1
The Health Care Power of Attorney applies to all medical decisions, unless you decide to include limitations. This Power can include specific instructions to your agent about any treatment you want done or want to avoid.
You need to be careful with the use of the Power of Attorney. The power you grant to another person may be broad and sweeping. The power will become effective immediately unless you state otherwise.
You need to have your signature notarized on your Power of Attorney by a Notary Public. You also need to give the original Power of Attorney to your agent so he/she will have the document when the time comes to make decisions for you. You want to make certain the person to whom you give the power is trusted and knows your intent.
You may revoke your Power of Attorney at any time. You will find a "Revocation of the Power of Attorney" form at the end of this section. You must sign and date the revocation. You must make a copy of the revocation and deliver it to the businesses, physicians, banks and hospitals that may be relying upon the Power of Attorney you originally executed.
Chapter I - 2
This power of attorney authorizes another person (your agent) to make decisions concerning your property for you (the principal). Your agent will be able to make decisions and act with respect to your property (including your money) whether or not you are able to act for yourself. The meaning of authority over subjects listed on this form is explained in the Uniform Power of Attorney Act, Title 72, chapter 31, part 2. This power of attorney does not authorize the agent to make health care decisions for you. You should select someone you trust to serve as your agent. Unless
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these I've experienced a wide array of roles as a participant that grew from being a team member to holding service as Cadet in Charge. These lessons have all taught me how to become a better citizen whilst still remembering to enjoy the little things- a worthy goal, I believe, to strived for in the give-and-take realm of Community Service. As a Senior, most of my roles in the community have become as a facilitator- someone that makes plans and scraps ‘em, only to make them again. To get to…