Essay about Communism: Communism and Russian Civil War

Submitted By thedaniel03
Words: 1833
Pages: 8


The history of communism starts with one of the modern forms of communism is based on Marxism. Marxism is an economic worldview method, which is part of the sociopolitical idea. The inquiry is part of the material idea in history development and social change. Also there is an analysis of class relationships in society. The main idea of development also includes capitalism.
Capitalism is an economic system and there are capital goods that is part of the ownership. There is the creation of goods and service that brings profit. Capitalism is considered to apply a variety in subjects like historical cases, time, geography, politics, and culture. Most people say it became dominant in the Western World.
Economists and historians have looked at capitalism in different ways. Economists think about ways that the government moves forward and they have concluded that the government does not have control over markets just like in laissez-faire, which is when transactions between private parties are free tariffs. There are small government regulations to protect the property rights against theft. The most important will be the property right, it includes power relations, wage labor, and class. Many states have are termed in mixed economics, in which there are market-driven economic system. Some important terms in capitalism in the 20th century include, free and private enterprise and capitalist.

In the mid to late 19th century, Marxism started by two German philosophers that are Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels. The method has influenced multiple political ideologies and social movement in history. Marxism compass section is from economic theory, sociological theory and philosophical method. Also there will be a revolutionary view of social change. The form of economic organization is understood to be the basis from the majority of social relations and legal systems. Social relation is the base of economic system.
The eventual long-term outcome of revolution would be the beginning of socialism. The system is based on cooperative ownership of the means of production. And also the distribution based on one’s contribution. Karl Marx, was the person where the Marxism name is derived from. Karl Marx hypothesized that the productive forces and technology continued to advance socialism.
Marxism has developed into different branches and schools. Different schools place a greater emphasis on certain aspects. Others reject the aspect of Marxism and the concept of it. Most see it as the determining force in social development. Some see it as a less important research that makes it irrelevant.
Most of these differences have led various socialist parties and movements to embrace different political strategies. One example of this is the division between revolutionary socialists and reformists that emerged in the German Social Democratic Party during the early 20th century. Marxist understandings in history have been adopted by academics in archaeology.

In communism, some religious societies have stressed egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is a trend of though that favors equality. It doctrines maintain all humans that are equal in fundamental worth status. In the religious societies have common ownership of goods that have been described as communist, which includes early Christianity. Marxism gained support across Europe and under the control of Bolshevik Party. The Bolshevik Party is part of the communist government power during the Russian revolution. It lead to the creation of the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union is part of he world’s first Marxist state in the early 20th century. As decades pass governments using the “Communist” times collapsed, and some remained nominally communist, like the People’s Republic of China. Today, nominal communist governments control countries like Cuba and Vietnam.
Robert Service and Archie Brown are historians and they have studied the history of communism. They are part of the people who