When we think about communication skills we have the basic listening, speaking and writing letters. With today’s technology there are far greater options, that include emailing and texting both are similar to writing. There is one additional tool that most of us forget about and that is body language.
In business it is better to use face to face if this is not available then we go on to the letters or the email. We must notice our own body language if we are face to face.
These make up three components of communication and they are verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal messages.
Verbal means the words we choose to speak. Paraverble means what tone of voice that is used to say the words that are spoken.
Nonverbal is our body Language that is an unspoken language and certain movements may mean something else to different people, especially if we are dealing with people from other countries.
In order to receive the message properly we need to listen to what is being spoken by the other person.
If I was to rate myself I could not. I have had my friends to tell me what is it that I needed to work on > Their answers were that I need to listen better to the person who is speaking and at times I need to have more courage in what I am speaking .
I need not to be nervous in my nonverbal or I will not be taken seriously in my employment or in my personal life.
From the chapter readings I have learned