Chapter 1: Key Words Interpersonal communication- Using symbols to represent ideas in order to share meanings and create a personal bond between people
Dynamic process
Impersonal communication- Using symbols to represent ideas in a manner that ignores personal qualities of the people involved in the interaction
Communication skills- The ability to create symbols and perform behaviors that are clear, appropriate, satisfying, effective, efficient, and ethical in a given social situation
Interpersonal Communication Competence- The ability to use symbols appropriately and effectively to create a personal connection with another person
Interpersonal Communication Ethics- Considering moral responsibilities in other people and relationships when making communication decisions
Negative association- When an decrease in the amount, frequency, or intensity of one phenomenon corresponds with an increase in another phenomenon
Positive association- When an increase in the amount, frequency, or intensity of one phenomenon corresponds with an increase in another phenomenon
Content messages- The literal or typical meanings of the symbols used to communicate, verbal messages
Relational messages- Nature of the relationship between communication partners that is implied by the symbols that are used to communicate, non-verbal messages that convey emotion
Curvilinear association- When the positive or negative association between two phenomena exists only up to a certain point, and then reverses
Social rules- Guidelines that specify the actions that are expected, preferred, and off-limits within an interaction
Dyad- Two people, common context for interpersonal communication.
Ethical communication- Using values as a moral guide when you interact with other people
Fidelity- The extent to which meanings can be correctly inferred from the symbols that are used
Transactional model of communication- A conception of the components present in an interpersonal interaction and how people participate together in the act of communicating
Two participants
Symbols that represent ideas
Continuous, time keeps going around and around as does communication
From lecture only:
Organizational Communication- A process by which activities of a society are collected and coordinated to reach the goals of both individuals and the collective group.
Small group communication- Communication in small groups is interpersonal communication within groups of between 3 and 20 individuals. Both relational and social.
Interpersonal communication- Process we used to convey our ideas to another person or persons, involves exchanges of verbal and non-verbal messages between two connected individuals to achieve shared meaning. Venue in which identities are created for self and others
Two or more
Strangers, acquaintances, or more connected
Influencing one another
Chapter 2: Key Words
Anxiety/uncertainty management theory- A framework that explains how uncertainty and anxiety affect intercultural communication
Uncomfortable around people who are different from us
Creates in and out groups
Boundary markers- Messages that signal than an action is inappropriate or off-limits within a cultural group
Communication accommodation theory- When communicating, two things can happen:
1. Characteristics of participants speech becomes more similar to each other (People with whom we feel similar to or like)
2. Becomes more distinct from one another (People with whom we don’t like as much) Gender- Masculine or Feminine
Socialization- The process by which newcomers to a cultural group come to understand its assumptions and guidelines
Diffusion- When the cultural practices of one group are adapted by another society
Speech code- The system of symbols, rules, and assumptions that people create to achieve communication
Speech codes theory- People communicate based on their