Chapter 35: Standpoint Theory
Read chapter 35 on Standpoint Theory. Then, answer all questions listed below. Refer to the structure requirements above.
1. Define each of the following concepts in your own words (just a sentence or two for each).
a. Standpoint
Standpoint can be defined as a view that one holds of the world.
b. Local knowledge
Local knowledge can be defined as knowledge that comes from a particular experience or setting, this knowledge is gained from things that we do or places we are.
c. Strong objectivity
Strong Objectivity can be defined as research from the lives of women and other groups. Having this makes you see reality a little clearer.
d. Marginalized group
A marginalized group can be defined as the outer edge of society; minorities.
e. Intersecting oppressions
Intersecting oppressions can be defined as two or more unjust behaviors coming together.
2. Per Standpoint Theory, perspective from the lives of the less powerful can provide a more objective view than the perspective from the lives of the more powerful.
a. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
a. Yes, I agree with this. They have to adopt the attitudes to privileged groups in order to assimilate to the dominant culture.
b. Regardless of whether you agree, why do you think people on the “outside” could have a better view than those on “the inside”? It may be useful to think of this in the context of social groups like cliques (popular vs. unpopular) or minority vs. majority populations.
a. I think that the reason the people on the outside have a better view is because they see though different eyes. People from the inside are bias of course because they only see what is on the inside. Many times, if one looks from an outside view they can see things that they may not see. It is almost like when I don’t realized I am stressed out and my mother asks me why I have been so stressed out. Sometimes we do not see things like others do on the outside because we have a skewed viewpoint.
Chapter 36: Muted Group Theory
Read chapter 36 on Muted Group Theory. Then, answer all questions listed below. Refer to the structure requirements above.
1. Define each of the following concepts in your own words (just a sentence or two for each).
a. Muted group
Muted group can be defined as people who speak their own language within their minority group but when speaking publicly they have to change their language.
b. Gatekeepers
Gatekeepers can be defined as people who determine what essays, books and other writings will appear in mass media.
c. Preferred outcome
Preferred outcome can be defined as
d. Assimilation
Assimilation can be defined as one taking up the social and psychological characteristics of a group.
e. Separation
Separation can be defined as removing oneself from the group.
f. Accommodation
Accommodation can be defined as altering one’s existing beliefs to that of the group.
2. Kramarae does not assert that women have no power, but instead she argues that they do not have equal standing with their male counterparts. This is evidenced in the use of non-inclusive language in the form of generic terms.
a. Do you think it is okay to use the word “guys” to refer to a group of men and women (such as saying “hey guys!” when you see your friends who are both men and women)? Why or why not?
Yes, I