Colonialism Essays

Submitted By anmorma
Words: 846
Pages: 4

Many European countries spent their time and effort in colonizing precious native lands. When the industrial revolution was at its highest, they found new territories that were full of important raw materials, and that’s when European colonization began. These lands were going through a big change and were being penetrated by the bullets of European imperialism. These bullets did leave profound impacts in many native cultures that to this day still penetrate. Although there are arguments to generate for both sides, the negative outcomes of imperialism outweigh the good by far.

Imperialism is said to have evolved from colonialism. Both assume the political and economic domination over other lands and are based in the idea that European nations created their empires with no help or participations from others. Imperialism and colonialism are therefore interconnected. Colonialism had one goal: to take advantage of all of the natural resources in a country. The truth is Europeans did not care about anyone else but themselves. They only saw ways to benefit themselves by stealing all of the goods and raw materials from the land. They would export these materials as cheap as they could be, and they would sell them for very high prices. One example is when Indians were forced to mine for gold and carry the heavy package on their shoulders; physical harm was made. They were fundamentally treated as slaves, and Europeans were behind these catastrophic events.
Enlightenment had a great influence on imperialism. It brought many intellectual and cultural changes in Europe. One of the most important changes that came along with it was the scientific revolution.

It is true that imperialism brought many benefits politically, economically and socially. To begin with, imperialism led to globalization. "Modern progressive nations lying in the temperate zone seek to control "garden spots" in the tropics [mainly in Africa, Latin America, and Asia]. Under [the] direction [of the progressive nations], these places can yield tropical produce. In return, the progressive nations bring to the people of those garden spots the foodstuffs and manufactures they need. [Progressive nations] develop the territory by building roads, canals railways, and telegraphs. They can establish schools and newspapers for the colonies … [and] give these people the benefit of other blessings of civilization which they have not the means of creating themselves."
— O. P. Austin, "Does Colonization Pay?" The Forum (1900). As it is stated in the quotation, because of imperialism civilization was accomplished. To begin with, technology and economy were improved through the buildings of roads, infrastructure and innovation. Education was available for people that never thought they would have had the opportunity to receive it. Schools were built. As people went to school they began to learn new languages. They got introduced to a new religion, Christianity, and became cult and educated. Imperialism has been one big factor in the spread of science and scientific method. Communication systems were introduced such as telegraphs and telephones as long with many other great inventions. Talking politically, Imperial power helped the colony advance and get ready to govern itself. British rule helped in many ways. For example, they brought democracy to India.