Colonial: Valet Parking and External User Experience Essay
Submitted By christiehsh
Words: 312
Pages: 2
MIS 3504: Digital Design and Innovation Studio / Sections 1 and 2 Fall 2013
Semester Project Overview Your semester project is for Colonial Airport Parking (, a regional parking company founded in 1956 and headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. Colonial Airport Parking has been serving fliers using the Philadelphia International Airport since 1988 and manages facilities in DE, PA, MD and Washington, DC. They currently use systems from AVPM/Automated Valet Parking Manager to manage their operations. Colonial has a website, but they do not have an APP. This semester, we will be working with them to use technology to improve their profitability.
Like many service-‐oriented businesses, they have opportunities to improve their internal performance and their external user experience. Three project areas of focus are as follows: 1. Growing their existing business a. Increasing reservations b. Providing a new channel to communicate with customers via a mobile APP 2. Expanding new business a. Increasing their web presence to drive more business b. Expanding auto service and maintenance offerings 3. Streamlining operations a. Internal operations b. External user experience Each team will explore 1 of the above areas, although overlaps are possible: Possible outcomes include web-‐based solutions, Mobile