Essay about College Success

Submitted By TaneshaKelly1
Words: 785
Pages: 4

My College Success
Tanesha Kelly
March 11, 2013
Berta Genaway

My College Success
College success depends on three things: motivation, confidence and attitude. The motivation to seek career advancement and to provide a better life financially for my family, my confidence and can-do-it-attitude will be the essential tools I need to be a college success.
The preliminary plan to practice having personal responsibility in my education is the three factors in my life: motivation, confidence, and attitude. Having these three important traits will give me the ability to stay focus and absorb as much information I can from my professors. This will allow for me to be a strong member and inspiration for my fellow team members when working in teams. Even though I do have the help and support from a large group of individuals, my college success is my personal responsibility. My college success can only be obtained by me and can’t be achieved by those cheering me on.
Going out and seeking my bachelor’s degree is my personal goal. My motivation lies within not being able to separate the amount of time needed by my family. However, with the help of my spouse and family members I can successfully devote time to both my family and my school. In order to be successful in school I will need to complete all my assignments on time and make study time a priority. My success will mean I will have to stay motivated and stay focus on what really matters the most to me which is achieving my dreams of graduating college, career advancement, and be able to provide for my families present as well as future. Keeping my eyes on this will allow me to have college success.
Hannah Arendt said “For excellence, the presence of others is always required” (Broekhoff, M. (2008). The support of faculty and counselors at University of Phoenix cheering me on and making sure my level of self-confidence remains high will encourage my personal responsibility of being a successful college student. The idea of knowing that there are other people in this world other than my family cheering me on puts that extra drive in me to not want to let myself or them down. College is a big step and an even bigger step when you make the decision to return back to school after having a family and mid-way through your career. Having that extra amount of support gives you the comfort and drive you need to be successful. Proverbs 31:28 states “Her Children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth”
While pursing my degree I will keep my thoughts positive as this will give me the ability to remain motivated to work to pursue my goals, because I know I will succeed. My positive thoughts will help me to never want to give up even while facing my toughest obstacles. For instance, while pursuing my degree another obstacle I will need to face is the amount of time used for my current