Coclusion And Lab Analysis Essay

Submitted By NikolasBardossas
Words: 588
Pages: 3

Nikolas Bardossas
Bailey Heinen­Colby

Lab Conclusion 1. At least 80% of the seeds in the control dishes germinated in each trial.
● I would recommend to be sure that all the seeds are thoroughly cleaned off before used so there are no other variables affecting the germination rate. 2. Hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid, borax, sodium chloride had little to no change in the number of germinations then predictably began to drop. Some other chemicals caused an unpredicted result such as propyl alcohol, aluminum nitrate, and magnesium chloride as they went up in number after they had steady declines to in both number of germinations then finally dropping. However,all the trials showed negative correlation towards the higher concentrations. 3. The typical trend with most the of the responses to the concentrations is that in general the radical root length would steadily decrease as the concentration increased then dropped wherever he TC50 is. A few chemicals caused the reactions to spike upwards before dropping such as aluminum nitrate,propyl alcohol, and sulfuric acid. The data doesn’t make sense because both the number of seed germinations and the average radical root length varied and didn’t follow the general trend. These unusual trends could have happened from simply putting the wrong concentration in the beaker to just seeds that weren't cleaned properly, to the amount of chemical used in beaker. Another reason for the unusual trends could simply be because of the chemicals such as salt helping the plant growth in low concentrations. 4.
Chemical Name


T C 50

Aluminum Nitrate 0.2M

0.02M to 0.2M

0.0002 M to 0.002 M

Borax 0.2M

0.02 M to 0.2M

0.002 M to 0.02 M

0.0002 M to 0.02 M

0.00002M to 0.0002 M

0.02 M to 0.2M

0.002M to 0.02M

Sodium Chloride 0.2M


0.02 M to 0.2M

Propyl Alcohol 0.2M


0.02 M to 0.2M

Sulfuric Acid 0.01M

.0001 M to 0.001 M

0.0001 M to 0.001 M

Copper Sulfate 0.2M
Magnesium Chloride 0.2M

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Soln.

0.1M to 0.1M

0.01 M to 0.1M

5. The indicator that shows the largest response to the chemical we tested was definitely radicle length. Besides a few of the seeds not germinating, for the most part it came down to how long the root length