CLC Group Projects Agreement
CLC Course Information
|Course Name/Section Number: |NRS-430 V Professional Dynamics (0104) | |Instructor’s Name: |Sandra White | |Start Date of the Course: |January 23, 2012 |
CLC Member Contact Information
(Who is in our group?)
CLC Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)
|What each team member agrees to do |Why this is important to the team | |Check into the CLC regularly to review |This way our team is on the same page and doesn’t fall behind on any assignments. This | |progress on the assignment |will also allow everyone to stay on task to make sure the assignment is completed in a | | |timely manner. It’s also part of continuously evaluating where we stand in order to | | |formulate the steps needed to compete the assignment. | |Contribute ideas and feedback to the group |Everyone has a say and part in the group work. This will insure that everyone | |from initial discussions throughout project|understands the assignment and their assigned task for the project. Everyone’s input | |completion |is essential in producing a well-rounded project. It is as helpful in the wrap-up stage| | |as it is in the start -up phase of the project. | |Communicate with all CLC members as soon as|Communication is important so we do not find ourselves in any uncomfortable | |a problem or issue arises |predicaments. Also it’s important to keep everyone in the loop. If an issue arises, | | |it’s important to make sure we all work together to solve it. Keeping the team members| | |informed of progress and barriers will help to formulate a back-up plan if needed. | |Maintain respectful communications with all|It is important to have respectful communication with ALL so we can be productive. If | |team members |we can all make a pact on being respectful to everything and everyone around us | | |including ourselves, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD THIS WOULD BE. Respect is simply needed in | | |all aspects of life. | |Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines |Deadlines are important for completing tasks. This should be set and agreed on by all | |set by the CLC members
While completing group assignments, there is always going to be challenges such as coordinating schedules, motivation and intellectual factors. When the second CLC assignment was assigned, each group member came to the agreement that we would each check the grade of first CLC assignment and then go from there to complete the second CLC. One issue that came to surface was coordination; coordinating schedules, corresponding in a timely manner, making decisions collectively, and integrating the contributions…
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the Science Workshop Interface. Now, connect the Science Workshop Interface with the laptop using a UBS cable. Plug the power supplies into the interface box and the laptop. Turn on the interface box and the laptop. Go to desktop and double click the CLC Physics Experiments folder, and then double click ‘Newton’s Second Law Experiment.ds.’ Now, we will have to calibrate the force sensor following these steps: 1. Open the Experiment Setup Window. 2. In the Experiment Setup Window, click the “Calibrate…
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