Clash Of Civilization Analysis

Words: 2070
Pages: 9

Mid-Term Examination
The Clash of Civilizations and Its International Implications

Meidina Felita Alifandra
IRE 2014 Diplomacy 2
Semester 7

I. Introduction
As being stated by Samuel P. Huntington, the Clash of Civilization is a hypothesis in which the primary sources of conflicts in the post-cold war era are more dominant to the people’s cultural and religious identities. Civilization has three attributes which are the objective elements – language, history religion, customs, and institution; the subjective elements – variable levels of self-identification; and civilization itself is dynamic – they rise and fall, divide and merge.

II. The Relation between the “Kin-Country” Theory by Samuel P. Huntington and The U.S. Attitudes Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Issues.
Samuel P. Huntington also stated a theory about civilization rallying – or well-known as “Kin-Country Syndrome”. In his “Kin-Country

First, during the Gulf War – the people even forgot about the real conflict and renamed it as the “War of West Against Islam” – then they declared Holy War against the West – The West and Muslims were clashing. Second, “Kin-Country Syndrome” appeared in conflicts in the former Soviet Union where Armenian military reached success, it stimulated Turkey to become supportive of its religious, ethnic and linguistic brethren in Azerbaijan – religious consideration became more important. Third, “Kin-Country Syndrome” appeared in Soviet Union conflicts and in the conflict with Yugoslavia - the Western supported Bosnia. Conflicts between groups form the same civilizations are much less violent – Russia-Ukraine case when they were willing to fight for a territory, was ended in effective negotiations. In this paper, I would like to choose the U.S. attitudes towards the Palestinian-Israeli issues related to the “Kin-Country Country” theory created by Samuel P.