Civilizations Essay

Submitted By alexa_l225
Words: 1123
Pages: 5

Civilizations that impacted future development of other civilization laid the ground work for social, technological and educational development. Without people having laws and consenqueces there would be no order and society would not last long. We can tell that past civilizations set the standard in which the future civilizations improved from. With these improvements survival increased, because of the way of life that those civilizations decided to follow. Interactions were key in order for these civilizations to survive. Even today we all communicate with each other, our environment, and our ideas and culture that we decide to follow. Many civilizations were able to understand that communication was key in order for their society to thrive. The interactions between humans was an important element that would help civilizations prosper. Without these interactions between humans, our society today would not be as advanced as it is now. This is because if our ancestors kept their ideas to themselves we all would have different ideas on how our world should be and there would be major conflicts. Source Four, Phoenician Sailing, tells us how the Phoenician Sailing adapted overtime. This document states how the Phoenicians traded and were considered as the best sailors at the time.” When the Phoenicians traded with people that lived in the Mediterranean Sea, they got ideas and made improvements to their ships. This special interaction helped both the Phoenicians and the people that lived around the Mediterranean Sea. “Later on around 700 BCE there were many distinct changes that the Phoenicians made to their ships. They added long steering oars in the back and a single sail that could catch the wind and move the ship forward.” These interactions gave not only the Phoenicians ideas, but the other Mediterranean civilizations also took advancements from the Phoenicians. Language is a very important element if a society is going to be successful. Source Eleven, The Phoenician Alphabet describes how the Phoenician Alphabet grew off of different alphabets and how it impacted others. “The alphabet was adapted by the Greeks, and it became the basis for writing all European languages. The Phoenician alphabet also influenced how Hebrew and Arabic were written, and it was adapted to write the languages of India and Ethiopia.” Past alphabets were passed through society and different civilizations and were used as a good starting point for the new alphabets. The influence from other countries made civilizations think of how their civilization will be. Interaction between humans was key especially when determining a national language or different standards in your society. Not only does interactions between humans impact a civilization, but their environment affects their life and how long it will last. Environment impacts were the civilization will be located. Good farming land, and mild weather are important elements that will help a civilization thrive for generations. Source Fourteen, The Rise of Civilizations, describes why each civilization chose where they were going to live. Various peoples settled in the hills and valleys of Palestine. The Israelites and other groups that decided to live in the area thought that this would be a good area to live in because the environment suited their needs and expectations. “The Tigris and Euphrates rivers supported the different people of Mesopotamia. The first civilization was based of city-states.” The Mesopotamians decided to live in this area because they believed that the rivers and the rich soil in this area would help their civilization prosper. Many civilizations that were present during this time period decided to live by rivers and bodies of water. Source Sixteen, River Valley Civilizations, tells us why civilizations chose to live in river valleys. “The earliest civilizations were all situated near major rivers. These rivers provided a regular water supply and a means to