The Contemporary News Landscape
Contemporary news __________________________________has changed immensely over the last few years.
The stranglehold by the ____________________news media has been broken with the advent of new technologies allowing the audience to get in the act.
Audiences through _____________ you tube channels and as providers of news ______________ have allowed news to be even more live, even more _______________.
Audiences now can influence the _____________and debate and shape news___________.
Citizen Journalism
What is it? Make some notes from the slides and your own ideas.
TASK: Read the article on 9/11 and produce a mind map which outlines:
The Nature of reporting this event
The Role of audience in reporting
The Role of New Technology in reporting
Any Criticisms of coverage
New Media and Citizen Journalism
Which new / digital media have enabled citizen journalism to take place and how/why?
News stories that ‘broke’ on twitter:
Death of Osama Bin Laden
Hudson River Plane Crash was twitpic’d before anywhere else
Ryan Giggs’ affair / Super injunction
Whitney Houston’s death (27 mins before traditional media)
Boston Marathon Bombings
Rawporter - Does This App Take Citizen Journalism Too Far?
Citizen journalism has been on the rise in recent years with the proliferation of smartphones as well as easy access to the internet and other kinds of technology. So there’s now an app that seeks to capitalise on this trend, by selling content from its contributors onto third parties such as news sites and bloggers by automatically sending recorded footage from a smartphone to media outlets.
Named ‘Rawporter’, the app works in two ways – if you’re looking for specific content, you can search Rawporter’s catalog and buy it, or if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can create an assignment for ‘rawporters’ to go out and record footage for you.
The makers of this app are looking to capitalise on the modern day desire to earn money and become famous, as it proclaims numerous times on its site “get famous and get paid”. Initially it sounds like it could be useful as citizen journalism is seen generally as a positive development, as people can get closer to the story, and by using an app like this you can use a variety of different sources. But like many apps that try to be innovative and simplify currently existing processes, there are a number of problems.
Firstly the issue of bias and