Freud’s Theory: Parts of Personality
• Id - part of the personality present at birth and completely unconscious. – Libido - the instinctual energy that may come into conflict with the demands of a society’s standards for behavior.
– Pleasure principle - principle by which the id functions; the immediate satisfaction of needs without regard for the consequences.
• Ego - part of the personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality, mostly conscious, rational, and logical.
– Reality principle - principle by which the ego functions; the satisfaction of the demands of the id only when negative consequences will not result. • Superego - part of the personality that acts as a moral center.
• Adler proposed feelings of inferiority as the driving force behind personality and developed birth order theory.
• Horney developed a theory based on basic anxiety and rejected the concept of penis envy. – Basic anxiety - anxiety created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and