Ciaon Essay
Submitted By MelissaPanero1
Words: 1374
Pages: 6
Open High School
Italian Extension Course
Unit 4 – Worksheet
Unit 4
TASK 1 Responding to text – Part A
Watch the film "La vita è bella", Extract 1, scenes 3 and 4. Go to Materials Set 1 booklet. Read the script of the film carefully, study the vocabulary and expressions, then study the notes and reflections on scenes 3 and 4. Prepare your responses to the following points of discussion: (Scene 3) 1. Comment on the use of colour and setting at this point. What is the Director trying to convey? 2. Which elements are used to suggest a romance? 3. What are some of the lines used to create the romance? 4. How is the comic element used in this scene? (Scene 4) 1. What is the Director suggesting in the opening moments of this scene? 2. What film techniques are used to support this? 3. What emotions or feelings are conveyed in the audience at this point? 4. Comment on Zio Eliseo’s remarks: Il silenzio è il grido più forte and Nulla è più necessario del superfluo. 5. What are some of the objects in the room that suggest a glorious past? 6. What is the motivation behind the attack on Zio Eliseo?
TASK 2 Responding to text – Part B
Text type: Speech Word length: 200 words
Refer to the Information Booklet, Extension tasks / Responding to text – Part B, prior to completing this task. Go to Materials Set 1. Read the script of scenes 1-4 of Extract 1, look at the list of useful expressions below, then complete the following task in Italian: Devi preparare un discorso per la tua classe d'italiano in cui spiegli il modo in cui queste prime quattro scene del film catturano l'attenzione degli spettatori. Scrivi una lista delle cose che consideri più importanti e poi scrivi il testo del tuo discorso. You have to prepare a speech for your Italian class in which you discuss the ways these first four scenes of the film capture the audience's interest. Write a list of what you consider the most important of these, then write the text of your speech.
Frasi e espressioni utili
Useful words and phrases
atmosfera da favola ritmo veloce ritmo gioioso musica accattivante l'aspetto comico del dialogo stile farsico la trama del film l'aspetto romantico della scena il senso di ansietà lo scenario la messa in scena i personaggi
fable-like atmosphere fast rhythm joyful rhythm captivating music the comic aspect of the dialogue slapstick style the film storyline / the plot the romantic aspect of the scene the sense of anxiety the setting the setting of the scene the characters
TASK 3 Listening task
Access the audiofile for the Listening task 'Esigenze sociali' on the Course CD. Listen to Listening task 2 - "Esigenze sociali".
Prepare responses to questions 1-5.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Will Luisa attend the birthday party? Explain. What is Marco's opinion on the matter? Why is it difficult for Luisa to find a solution? What do you think Luisa will do next? Justify your answer with reference to the text.
TASK 4 Writing task
Text type: Article Word length: 250 words
Writing an article When writing an article it is important to follow certain guidelines. Generally articles have a particular format and a particular emotive style of language which can appeal to the readers. The format requires: a title the date an introduction in which you may appeal to the readers and state the topic examples to substantiate your ideas interviews, statistics emotive, convincing language a closing paragraph Look at and read the article below as an example.
I giovani e la politica
Le generazioni di oggi devono lottare ogni giorno contro diversi fattori che rendono sempre più difficili le loro condizioni sociali. Si nota un accentuato disagio tra i giovani, che purtroppo stenta a scomparire per un semplice motivo: manca una classe politica dirigente capace ed affidabile. Le istituzioni appaiono ai giovani distanti ed incapaci di risolvere i problemi, tutto questo porta ad una triste e drammatica decisione: