Chrysalis Year 1 - Essay 3

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Pages: 8

Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time? Maggie Romain-CHELM1A 13

In this essay I am going to look at the importance and purpose of the initial consultation between the client and the therapist and what happens during this preliminary session. I will also cover the ethical definitions that will need to be explored and established, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both the client and therapist.
Hypnotherapy refers to an “interaction between two people, one of whom is identified as the hypnotist, the other as the subject” (Heap and Naish) The

There may be a requirement of the client to be accompanied on their sessions and this could be discussed now, so a suitable waiting area may also be needed. Any other physical restraints could also be discussed and some therapists will also offer to come to the clients home if that is required. A nearby toilet is also useful. In the therapy room, it is essential to have two similar chairs of equal height for the talking part of the therapy so that the client feels at the same level and not intimidated in any way; but for the actual hypnosis, a relaxing recliner is desirable. Mention of whether they prefer their session to be conducted semi prone or more upright could be discussed at this preliminary session too.
In your therapy room you may offer background music or scented candles to help relax the client and this is something that could also be talked about at this session. As we mentioned earlier, first impressions count and in this regard, how you initially dress and present yourself will have an impact on the client. It is generally agreed that a smart/casual dress is the most appropriate attire and it may help the client with continuity and rapport if you dress in similar clothing at each session.

Another area of ethics is that of confidentiality. This should be strictly adhered to by all therapists although it should