Chronicle of a Death Foretold Essay

Submitted By aalicea12
Words: 512
Pages: 3

Since the company opened its doors for me, I have felt appreciated that they gave me the opportunity to work for them and be someone productive. Not every day one receives the oportunity to work in such a great environment in which one can develop its skills even more, and I am an example. I have been working for the company since 2010, and I dont regret the time I have spent putting effort to make a difference for the company. Therefore, I am very interested in joining the program A.I.M., in order to become even more knowledgeable and provide the company with the best of my work. There are a couple of reasons for me wanting to join the program:

First of all, my passion for what I do at work is what makes me want to go everyday and do the best of my job. I have always thought that if someone wants to be succesful in something, they really need to feel passionate about it or really have the desire of doing it. If there is no connection between what you do and yourself, there will be no success. This is my philosophy on life, especially in the work environment, and I definitely apply it to myself.

Second, Working at Victoria's secret is all about communicating with customers, listening to their needs and inspiring them. This is something I love about my job because I am the type of person that likes to talk and listen to others, and I feel that I can transmit honesty, respect and courtesy towards others through my personality and character. I get the benefit of it and I am confident that our customers, without excluding, every single individual around me gets the benefit as well. If I get the chance to be in the program, I will use it as my main tool to improve even more my skills and pass it on to others.

Third, how we treat customers is the most important part of our task everyday