Christine Tiernan
Professor Maranga
International Business Perspectives
Mid Term Video Case Exam
April 7, 2015
It is an amazing thing to see a country that used to be one of the poorest third class nations become one of the most successful now. Brazil has a great deal going for it as it enters this new era of its statehood. It is vital to the world, it is thriving, and its people are getting back that for which they have worked so hard. Along with a political system that wants its people to be successful, the country is learning how to play with the big guyspeople in the bigger neighborhoods of the world stage.
Brazil is as ready to take on agriculture as any country on earth. Its climate is perfect for nearly everything, from heat, moisture, to fertile soil. Brazil relies so heavyheavily on its agriculture that it boasts the best technology and smartest, most well trained farmers in the world. In its history as a continuing developing country, Brazil has made it its mission to become self-sufficient and one of the best at agriculture which is its finest strength. Cite source of this information
As the video shows us, Brazil is primed for big things in its future. It not only produces great foods that are desired all over the globe, thereby putting it all in very high demand, it produces bio fuels such as ethanol, that, like the video says, will be highly important to the U.S and other large nations globally in the near future. This also means other countries will have to learn how to compete for their share of the market. Whether that means countries like the U.S or its own neighbors in South America, or both, the time to get into the game is now. Brazil has been placing its chess pieces for decades. This implies that if other countries don’tdo not step up, the larger pieces of the economic pie are for Brazil to take.
If Brazil can eliminate agricultural subsidies, it will show farmers and governments all over the world that it can be done and not be detrimental to the common good of its agricultural industry. While not always necessary, farmers depend on these subsidies, or simply like how it pads the bank account to save them during leaner times. That’s not a bad thing, but most governments would love to avoid them at all cost. (Brazil Agriculture, n.d.) Brazil’s success has been a boom for American companies in that it creates a market for American products that Brazilian farmers use such as, as the video shared, the demand for John Deer equipment. Brazil exports so many items, and is number one in those exports. That means as demand for their products grows, so does demand for the products used to grow them. Brazil has a great deal going for it. Its economy is the sixth largest, third best at exporting agricultural products, and ranked in the top 5 as being invested in for agriculture around the world. If agriculture wasn’twas not quite enough, Brazil also boasts oil resources that make it large in the world of ethanol production. This is not the appearance of a country that wishes any time soon, to regress within itself. I think Brazil has branched out the way it has at a good time, with great preparation and readiness. Brazil has spent decades inwardly focused and is now in a good place economically at a great time for the world. (Dahr, n.d.) Brazil certainly has the comparative advantage of soy bean production as it relates to its production and exporting of the product. It has done so, however, at the possible expense of the Amazon, according to the people interviewed on the video. It is said that Brazilian farmers are taking lands illegally in the rain forest and using it for cattle and soy (examples used in the video). This allows them the ability to farm more and more soy but also has the risk of destroying the amazon. While both the government and the farmers seem to be denying this is happening in large scale events, environmentalists and ordinary citizens are worried. While this means