General Introduction
The largest religion in the world (by number of followers)
It was founded upon the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
It played a key part in the history and culture of Western civilization.
It contains a great variety of beliefs and practices.
It began as a movement within Judaism in the first century CE.
It is a missionary religion
The main message is love and brotherhood
Life of the Founder
Jesus Christ
Christians believe that He is the Son of G-d who was sent to earth to save humankind
Jesus = “Yeshua” in Hebrew means “saviour”
“Christ” comes from the Greek word “Christos” meaning “anointed one”
His followers called him “Messiah” meaning “anointed one of the Lord”
A rough outline of Jesus’ life (as presented in the Gospels) can be reconstructed as follows:
Nativity: Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem, Christmas is celebrated in commemoration of his birth. Two accounts of his birth, in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Fulfills the Old Testament prophesy to the coming of the Messiah.
Wise Men (Magi): Said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts. Saw a star in the East and come to worship the newborn King of the Jews.
Massacre of the Innocents: King Herod ordered all the young male children of Bethlehem to be killed to avoid the loss of his throne to the newborn King of the Jews.
Finding in the Temple: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph come to the Temple for Passover, Jesus lingered in the temple in discussion of the scripture with the elders.
Baptism of Christ: Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. After Jesus was baptized the heavens parted and a spirit descended upon him as a dove. This is the beginning of his public ministry.
Temptation of Jesus: Jesus was led into the desert where he fasted for 40 days, and the devil tempted him three times, which he refused.
Public Life and Ministry: Jesus has a ministry of teachings and miracles, speaks in parables, champions the poor and oppressed, and teaches about the Kingdom of God.
Death of John the Baptist: Imprisoned and beheaded by Herod, frequently depicted as the head on a silver plate.
Entry into Jerusalem: Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before his death to celebrate the Passover festival.
Overturning the Tables of the Moneychangers: Jesus creates a disturbance at Herod’s temple by running out the buyers and sellers, or “robbers”, at the Temple.
The Last Supper: Jesus celebrates the Passover meal with his disciples and he prophesized the betrayal by one of his disciples and will be killed. Takes the bread and wine, “this is my body... my blood”, and instructed to do this in remembrance of him.
Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus prays here the night before his crucifixion, and he accepts God’s will.
Arrest: In the garden, Jesus is arrested by temple guards and Judas betrays him by identifying him to the guards with a kiss.
Trial before Pilate: Jesus affirms that he is the Messiah and he is sentenced to be killed.
Crucifixion: Jesus is stripped, flogged, and crowned with thorns. The cross states that he is being executed for aspiring to be King of the Jews. Jesus dies late afternoon at Cavalry.
Resurrection and Appearances to Disciples: Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday. The Gospels record appearances to the disciples, assigns Peter to role of the Sheppard of his community.
Jesus ascends to heaven.
Sacred Texts
Called “The Bible” sometimes “The Book”
“Bible” comes from a Greek term “biblos” meaning “book”
These are the Old Testament and New Testament books, which constitute the sacred writings of Christianity.
The Bible contains 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament
The Gospels
The first four books of the New Testament are the Gospels (good news)
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which record the life and teachings of Jesus
John was concerned with who Jesus WAS, and takes a more philosophical approach.
Matthew – he frequently quotes the Old Testament, his Gospel may
Christianity – Principal Beliefs Fundamental major text: The Bible In todays society, Christianity is the largest – about 2 billion Christians, which is approximately 33% of the worlds population, and 63% of Australians in the 2006 consensus stated and affiliation with Christianity What we know about Jesus comes exclusively from the Christian gospels. Only matthew and luke tell us of Jesus’ birth Principal Events in Jesus’ Life: Divinity and Humanity: Jesus fully human and also fully divine Followers…
* Eight Aspects of Religion | | 318/2 – 22/2 | * Ancient Egyptian Religion | | 425/2 – 1/3 | * Ancient Egyptian Religion | | 54/3 - 8/3 | SAC 1 – Knowledge Based Test (10%) * Christianity | | 611/3 – 15/3 | * Christianity | | 718/3 – 22/3 | * Christianity SAC 2 – Short Report (10%)AREA OF STUDY 2 Religious Traditions in Australia * Distribution of world religions globally/within Australia | | 825/3 – 28/3 | * Distribution of world religions globally/within…
meaningfully during discussions and activities. There will be fifteen grades entered for participation, worth 10 points each. Attendance- coming to class late/leaving early will significantly reduce this portion of your grade. Attention- taking notes, paying attention, and communication with me and your classmates will help this portion of your grade; sleeping, doing work for other classes, using your cell phone (texting, surfing the web, games, etc) will decrease this portion of your grade.…
through a reading of some of the foundational texts of these traditions. We will be aided in our understanding of these texts by our textbook and by class lectures and discussions. The primary religious traditions that we will cover are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism, but we will also gain some familiarity with primal religious traditions. We will examine both similarities and differences among these various religious traditions, as well as their ongoing…
mezzo, and macro levels of practice. II. Standardized Course Objectives By the end of this course, students will be able to Demonstrate understanding of the history, central teachings, and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam and the Bahá’í Faith. Identify and comparatively reflect on religious responses to central questions of humankind such as who are we, why are we here, and where are we going? Identify the impact and implications of religious or spiritual…
Description: Explores the principal doctrines (worldview), typical behavior (lifestyle) and sphere of influence of: Native American and African religions, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Chinese religions, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i. The course emphasizes comparison and examines themes such as view of God, condition of man, and requirements for a moral life. III. Textbook: Religions of the World, 10/e (or an older edition), Lewis M. Hopfe, Prentice…
HISTORY FINAL EXAM REVIEW: Three Essays: 1. Explain the decline of religion in the colonies and discuss the Great Awakening (25 pts): Unfaithful Pastors, Uninterested church members, unqualified educators, unstable communities. There was an enlightenment movement in Europe, which stressed human reasoning as a source of truth, as a result, faith in God was replaced by science. Then the Great Awakening occurred, which revitalized Christianity through preaches and making people have personal revelations…
encouraged so that students may develop an objective and critical stance given the status of Canadian children. COURSE EVALUATION: There are two bases of evaluation in the course. FORM OF EVALUATION PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE 1) Midterm Exam 50% 2) Final Exam 50% Required Texts: These texts will act as the basis for reading throughout the term and will be supplemented with reference material discussed in class. Conway, John F. 2003 The Canadian Family In Crisis. James Lorimer…
Women in the Church Final Exam Review Sheet—Fall Semester 2012 block D Matching—Multiple choice—Essay High and Low Christology Define and know examples from each category * (full divine and full human) * HIGH AND LOW PAGE/HANDOUT * High titles: Messiah, Lord, Savior, Lamb of God, Christ, Son of God * Low titles: brother, friend, prophet, rabbi, teacher Immaculate Conception (meaning & date) Virgin Birth * Immaculate conception: December 8th * Mary conceived…
History 1007 Exam 2 Study Guide Exam 2: November 15 Essay 50 points: Answer the following using information from the text and lectures in class. You will be required to answer two of the following. 1. Discuss the growth in imperialism from 1750 to 1900. Use examples from both Africa and Asia. Imperialism: process by which one state, with superior military strength and more advanced technology, imposes its control over the land, resources, and population of a less developed region Africa:…