prostitution, pornography or for pornographic performances
children involved in illicit activities, production and trafficking of drugs
work that will harm the health, safety or morals of children
Section 138 highlights minimum age for employment
hazardous work - 18
basic minimum age - 15 or 14 (in developing countries)
age for finishing compulsory schooling
light work: 13 - 15 or 12 - 14 (in developing countries)
even if not ratified, member states have obligation to respect, to promote and to realize the principles concerning such fundamental rights
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
"World Day Against Child Labour: Top Five Countries with High Rates of Child Exploitation."
International Business Times RSS. N.p., 12 June 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
12 million child workers in Pakistan
7.4 million children in Bangladesh
14 - 16.4 million child workers in India
4.7 million children work in Congo
In Mali 54% of children work
186 million in labour
down from 171 million in 2000
agencies like ILO, UNICEF, Save the Children and Lebanese Ministry of Labour have all launched agents in countries prone to child labour to find and eliminate at the source
Asia and the Pacific still has the largest numbers (almost 78 million or 9.3% of child population)
Agriculture remains by far the most important sector where child labourers can be found
many children need to support family
Child labour among girls fell by 40% since 2000, compared to 25% for boys.
"Resources for Speakers, Global Issues, Africa, Ageing, Agriculture, Aids, Atomic Energy, Children,
Climate Change, Culture, Decolonization, Demining, Development, Disabilities, Disarmament,
Environment, Food, Governance, Humanitarian, Refugees, Women." UN News Center. UN, n.d.
Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Barriers to education
education is not free, not available, quality is poor and parents diminish its value
parent mentality “people go to school for jobs, why would you do that when you can get a job now”
Culture and tradition
cultural norm is most productive use of child’s time
follow parents foot steps and “help” other members of the family