Character Eval Essays

Submitted By ksimmons5
Words: 379
Pages: 2

Character Evaluation

When thinking about the big five personality traits and one of my favorite films, I choose the movie Shrek. On the extraversion scale, Shrek is definitely at the low end. He displays far more introverted actions than extrovert. Shrek is neither warm nor gregarious with the exception of his friends and family and even then it’s only occasionally. We see repeatedly in the movie how Shrek tries to drive and keep others away from him. We see that he also fails to pause following punishment, pushing ahead to the next trial before learning from his mistakes. However he is unusually extroverted in social situations, meeting and greeting new people.
In judging Shrek’s level of neuroticism, I would have to say he is on the high end. In my opinion, he displays many signs of neuroticism such as nervousness, moodiness and hostility. When Shrek is faced with a challenge he becomes angry and irritable, this probably comes from inadequate coping strategies. He also is a typical N in the fact that he finds it hard to adjust his social behavior to meet situational demands. We can see this throughout the movie in almost every social situation Shrek finds himself in.
I don’t believe that Shrek is very open to experiences. He has little to no interest in things that are not already part of his world, he isn’t curious at all about the world and others in it. He doesn’t like or want to try new things, which contribute to his overall ogre attitude. On the F scale Shrek