chapter 4 exercises cts 285 Essay example

Submitted By Nayr-Yelik
Words: 494
Pages: 2

Ryan Kiley
Chapter 4 exercises
1. Who, what, where, when, how (also why) are the 5 questions typically used in fact-finding. The additional question, why, is crucial. It’s used to get a reason for the other 5 questions. Why, as mentioned in class, is the most important question to ask, because without a reason for what is being made or how its planned there wouldn’t be an actual plan, just an idea without justification. If a lead can’t answer why a project is important or why any of the other factors are as they are, then it’s clear that they need to do more thinking to make sure the project is solid.
3. JAD and RAD are team-based techniques, meaning that in order for them to work, the members of the team must communicate and be on the same page as everyone else. JAD is a user-oriented technique and is popularly used whenever a project needs group input and interaction. RAD is similar to JAD but is more of a fast-track technique if time is a major issue. These methods differ because, as mentioned before, their focus is on being user oriented, meaning getting input from the user throughout the project. This is unlike the waterfall technique because in it the user doesn’t get to provide input until the project is complete. The advantages of team-based work like this are a user that feels more involved and therefore invested, leading to a better idea of what the project requirements are and helps to set goals. This makes the overall project of higher quality for the user.
4. TCO is the total cost of ownership, meaning how much a project will fully cost with all the factors under consideration. It’s typical to have a cost estimate that shows its cost being the salary for the time the project will take. There are many factors