Chapter 3 - Working with Layers
Lesson 4
1. Understanding Layer Groups (List 3 key points), page 3-18
A layer group is a Photoshop feature that allows you to organize your layers on the Layers panel.
Nested layers are individual layers contained in a layer group.
To create a layer group, you click the Layers Panel option button, and then click New Group.
2. Organizing Layers into Groups (List 4 key points), pages 3-18 and 3-19
You can remove layers from a layer group by dragging them out of the layer group to a new location on the layers panel or by deleting them.
Blending mode or opacity changes, affect every layer in the layer group.
Depending on the amount of information you need to see, you can choose to expand or collapse layer groups.
Collapsing a layer group hides all of the layers in a group.
3. Adding Color to a Layer (List 2 key points), page 3-19
You can color-code a layer group without losing the color-coding you applied to individual layers.
To color-code the Background layer, you must first convert it to a regular layer.
4. Flattening an Image (List 3 key points), page 3-19 After making all the necessary modifications to you image, you can greatly reduce the file size by flattening the image.
Flattening merges all visible layers into a single Background layer and discards all hidden layers.
Flattening removes an image’s individual layers