Chapter 2 Questions. Identify and Discuss the Major Types of Information Systems Essay

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Pages: 4

Assignment #1.

Chapter 2 Questions MBA:

1) Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve the main management groups within a business. What are the relationships among these systems?

Main management groups within a business are operational management (employees, staff), middle management and senior, top-management. Accordingly there are three major types of information systems – transaction processing system (TPS), management information systems (MIS) and decision-support system (DSS), executive support system (ESS). A TPS is a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business, e.g. payroll, hotel reservations, shipping, sales orders etc. TPS

Making the sandwiches

3. Selling the sandwiches

Indeed that these processes can be better coordinated with the use of information system. For example, many steps of business processes like order generating, getting the receipt, payments, “asking” for quantity, even keeping the customer loyal can be executing through the Information system.

4) Describe the role of IT governance within the firm.

IT governance includes the strategy and policies for using information technology within the company. It specifies the decision rights and framework for accountability o ensure that the use of information technology supports the organization’s strategies and objectives. Firms with superior IT governance will have clearly thought out the answers on the questions like: What decisions must be made to ensure effective management and use of information technology? Who should make these decisions? How will it be made and monitored?

5) Describe at least two benefits of using enterprise systems.
Enterprise systems – ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning has many benefits: * Collect data from various key business processes in manufacturing, production, accounting, sales, marketing etc and store the data in a single central data repository. * Information is not fragmented in different small systems, can be easily shared within the firm, free flow the information * Implementing the EPR system is often organizing the business processes and