Chapter 2 Closing Case Essay

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Pages: 4

Google’s Closing Case Questions

1. How does Google’s mission drive strategy at the company?
Google’s mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally acceptable and useful helped it develop a very useful search engine that we all use or have used on a regular basis. They run on the mantra “don’t be evil!” They came up with the saying in the hopes to always run the business with integrity. One aspect of this was the decision to not let outside companies’ interests bias where they rank. “Don’t be evil” is the cornerstone to the company’s ethics and it is the basis of every strategic decision. (Hill & Jones, 2012)
2. Is Google’s stance toward Internet search in China consistent with its mission?
Google’s stance

Just because China doesn’t want their citizens to view the bad things their government is doing, (In 2009, China blocked a video on YouTube showing China’s forces beating Tibetans) doesn’t mean these things don’t go on in the world or that their people don’t somehow know that it is. (Branigan, 2009)
4. If all foreign search engine companies declined to invest directly in China due to concerns over censorship, what do you think the results would be? Who would benefit most from this action? Who would lose the most?
I will stand by what I said and say that pulling Google from China would make a statement in that American companies do not agree with censorship and we do not contribute to dictatorship of information. Having said that, if foreign search engines pull from China, then the Chinese government wins. They would have a complete monopoly over what its citizens search for and view on the internet. The Chinese people would lose out on so much information and news and entertainment. The companies that use the search engines for advertisement would lose out on revenue because search engines provide a great deal of potential customers.


Branigan, T. (2009, March 25). China blocks YouTube. Retrieved from the Guardian:
Hill, C. W., & Jones, G. R. (2012). Essentials of Strategic Management. Mason, OH: