ch 8 KI 4 2013 complete 1 Essay

Submitted By Gracesp
Words: 408
Pages: 2

Political Geography: Key Issue 4
Where are States Distributed
Rubenstein, pp. 286-295

The Cold War (1940’s-1990’s)

1. Who were the two main superpowers during the Cold War?
United States (NATO) “First World”
Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact) “Second World”
Neutral: “Third World”

2. How has the nature of both alliances and warfare changed since the end of the Cold War?
Warfare is less often conventional and more often state vs organization or internal within state

Alliances are more often economic

3. Give an example in which both the US and the Soviet union used military force to prevent an ally from becoming too independent.
US intervention in Latin America, Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

4. Define: Balance of Power

Situation in which two opposing forces are of roughly equal power

5. Summarize the Cuban Missile Crisis in at least 3 bullets
Fidel Castro took over Cuba 1959 (communism)
Allowed Soviets to put nuclear weapons in Cuba capable of hitting US.
Led to a standoff between US and Soviets in 1962/ peak of cold war tensions

6. Define: NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Org. Created to protect members from Soviets. Still most powerful military org

7. Define: Warsaw Pact
Soviet military alliance between communist countries to protect from NATO. Dissolved with breakup of Soviet Union

8. Define: European Union
Economic cooperation between European countries

9. Who controls interest rates and inflation in the Eurozone?
European Central Bank

10. Identify 3 adverse effects of the global recession on the Eurozone. (be specific to countries within the Eurozone.
Economic instability throughout Europe
Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland govts. nearly bankrupt