Gigabit Manageable Fast Ethernet switches 48 port switches 24 port switches 8 port switches
You can use any number of these switches.
You do not have to use every port on any switch. Document the unused ports as available for later expansion.
Routers with 2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces Fa0/0 Fa0/1 and one serial interface Serial0
You can use any number of these routers.
You do not have to use every interface on any router. Document the unused interfaces as available for later expansion.
You also have one (and only one) Router/firewall with two
100Mbps Ethernet interfaces eth0 eth1
This company has 3 sites.
Site A has 5 rooms.
Site B has 1 room.
Site C has 4 rooms.
You are have been assigned the net block by your ISP. You will link up to them with via a serial link using (.9 is them, .10 is your end).
At site A you have 5 rooms which need to support up to 45 hosts each. They can all be on the same subnet (but don't necessarily have to be)
At site B you have 40 workstations. They should all be on the same subnet
At site B you also have 25 servers behind a router/firewall. These hosts are to be firewalled from internal as well as external hosts. The router/firewall has 2 Ethernet interfaces (eth0 and eth1)
At site C you have 4 rooms with 20 workstations each. They can all be on the same subnet (but don't necessarily have to be)
Site A links to Site B via a dedicated Serial interface.
Site B links to Site C via a dedicated Serial interface.
Site C links to the ISP via a dedicated Serial interface.
Divide up the /23 you have been assigned to accommodate the needs of the site.
Produce one logical map which shows a layer 3 map of the network and includes all subnets and address ranges for each subnet. Produce documents which show each physical network, a layer 2 picture. One for each network.
See Lab Manual for examples of Physical and Logical diagrams.
You can use any tools you like, including hand drawings (as long as I can understand them and they look nice).
The First Draft *has* to be turned in on paper.
First draft only needs to include Layer 3 diagram and Layer 2 diagram for Site C.
If first draft is totally complete (all sites and text documentation), and there are NO ERRORS or corrections needed, you will receive the full 100 points for draft and final and you are done.
Also include a textual description of the network which describes the subnets you designed and allocated to each location.
Here is an example.
Problem description:
We have been given network We need to subnet it such that we can support:
At Site A One network with 280 endstations One network with 40 endstations One network with 90 endstations
At site B One network with 200 endstations
Site A connects to the Internet with a serial link also.
Site A links to Site B with a point to point serial link.
We have 2 routers with two serial interfaces (ser0, ser1) and one fast ethernet interface (fa0/0)
We have 1 router with 2 ethernet interfaces (eth0, eth1)
We have any number of 96, 48, 24 or 16 port ethernet switches.
Subnet/address assignments:
At Site A - supports 512 addresses (510 usable) is router1 address on this subnet (interface fa0/0) is router2 address on this subnet (interface eth0) is a 96 port switch on this subnet