INTRODUCTION Prior to the municipal corporation, Aurangabad was ‘A class’ municipal council having area about 54.4sq. km. upto 1982.after formation of municipal corporation in 1982 additional 18 villages have been attached to the city and area under the corporation increased to 138.50 With increase in area and population necessity to plan the city well and organized manner development plan was prepared by government and later on it is revised in 1991 as per town planning act 1996.Known as city development plan of Aurangabad. A Master plan is nothing but City development plan, when City development plan is used to develop mega cities it is called as Master Plan. City Development Plan (CDP) is both a perspective and a vision for of 1975.Though the CIDCO area (i.e. New Aurangabad), MIDC-Chikalthana and Waluj notified area and Industrial area are located outside the area now under revision, these areas are connected with old city for its day to day activities, becomes essential to consider this aspect also while undertaking revision work.
Preparation of Master Plan:- Preparation of a CDP is a multi-stage exercise, involving: (i) In-depth analysis of the existing situation, covering the demographic, economic, financial, infrastructure, physical, environmental and institutional aspects: The purpose of this stage is to review and analyse the current status of the city with regard to the state of its development, systems and procedures, as equally its institutional and financial context. This stage is meant to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the city’s development and to provide an understanding of what impedes service delivery and management within the existing set-up and what contributes to better service provision. This stage offers an opportunity to bring out the unique features of the city that may distinguish it from other cities. ii) Development of a perspective and a vision of the city: Using the results of the first stage of analysis combined with consultations its key stakeholders and civil society, this stage is meant to develop a vision for the future development - a shared vision of where the city wants to be in a medium-term