Parishes to study:
San Juan Diego Parish
Immaculate Conception Corsicana
St. Mark’s Plano
10919 Royal Haven
Dallas TX
PO Box 798
Corsicana TX
1105 W 15th Street
Plano TX
1. Problem Statement:
2. Vision:
3. Mission:
4. Goals / Objectives:
5. Roles and Responsibilities:
Project Manager
Primary: Javier
Backup: Pretei
Client Communicator
Primary: Lisa
Backup: Randy
Primary: Randy
Backup: Servando
Primary: Krishma Backup: Servando
Primary: Pretei / Varun
Backup: Krishma
6. Communication Style & Frequency:
As needed
Weekly Meetings :
Face to face after class
Saturdays @ 11:30 AM (Bridge # : 888-675-2546, 286-5422# )
Team website:
Upload all team documents and share info for the team project
WhatsApp Group: “UD Capstone”
Instant team communication
7. Ground Rules:
Missing two consecutive meetings is not allowed (without advance notice/good reason)
Deal with conflict directly, bringing it to the attention of the team.
Put the team’s concern ahead of promoting personal agendas.
At the end of a meeting, members restate their own responsibilities to check for agreement. – We will plan to end every meeting with an action plan. This will help any ambiguity or concerns a team member may have.
Be serious about the team’s work. – We will ensure that we are working as a team, if someone