Student Informa on Product Selec ons
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Student Writers
Your Name
Infinity Tradi onal no LCD
$1745 + S&H $99 minus C.C.R I.C. Discount of $244.00
Street Address
Home & Mobile Phone Numbers
EMail Address
Cardholder’s or Checkwriter’s Name
Credit Card Number or Check Number
Expira on Date: ______________________ CVV_________
Cardholder’s or Checkwriter’s Signature Date:
The Neutrino Group’s Sa sfac on Guarantee
TNG’s machines, so ware, and accessories purchased on this agreement may not be returned. TNG is confident that the products we offer are of the highest quality and that you will be completely sa sfied with your purchase. Should a circumstance arise where and item does not fulfill TNG’s wri en product descrip ons, we will, at our discre on, replace or repair the item to meet our customary standards.
Student Writer Upgrade Guarantee
You are guaranteed the full value of your purchase towards the purchase of a same family of Infinity professional writer within three years of this purchase of a student writer under this Investment Cer ficate program.
College of Court Repor ng
Investment Cer ficate
12061 Pennsylvania Street, Unit A108 Thornton, CO 80241
+ Tax(if applicable)
Total $
Key Configura ons
Full # Bar Individual # Keys No # Bar
Right Wide *
Wide TS Both Wide *
Wide DZ No Wide *
No Wide
Func on Key
Fixed Ini al S & * No Func on Key
Separated Ini al S & *
Standard Vowels Tall Vowels (Level)
Writers include