Caues Effect Essay Betty

Submitted By Johnwangqiang120
Words: 617
Pages: 3

Sipeng(Betty) Yang
ESOL 096 G23
AWS­1 (11:45 ­ 12:35)
04/06/2015 Dependent on others
Normal people prefer doing most things by themselves but also receive helps from others when they have troubles. However, the people who always dependent on others prefer doing nothing by themselves but let others doing their works. There are many reasons why some people have this kind of mind and also some effects on society and individuals of people overdependent on others.
People always dependent on others may result from many reasons. The first reason is the environmental cause. People who are over­dependence on others might living in a special environment that all the people around them helped them did all the works that they were actually need to do by themselves. That will become a custom that they will dependent on others to help them doing all the things. The second reason is the wrong way of parents raising their child. Parents who over coddle their child or no care of their child will lead the child to be overdependent. The mental problem can be the third reason that may cause people always dependent on others. Inferiority is one of the mental problem because people who feel inferior to others will automatically listen to others, believe others can do better than them and dependent on others. Moreover, to avoid the responsibility could also be a mental problem to cause over dependence. If other people help overdependent people doing all the things, they can also not to be responsible because they did nothing, so those are the three main reasons causing people want to overdependence on others.
However, this kind of people also has some serious effects on many aspects. One effect is about others who are the group of people that the overdependent people depended on. They may


Sipeng(Betty) Yang
ESOL 096 G23
AWS­1 (11:45 ­ 12:35)
04/06/2015 waste money, time and been interrupt if they are always helping others doing anything. For example, I have a printer in my dorm and many people come to my dormitory to print. However, they let my roommate and me help them print every homework at any time they want.
Sometimes, they want to print in the morning, but I also have many things to do, and they